Why you should live in the Present?

The past gives you an identity and future holds the promise of the salvation, of the fulfillment in whatever form. Both are illusions.

Echkart Tolle.

Life has no reverse gear. We all have heard it, and at the same time, we know it. But; still, we all are dwelling in our past or future. We all know that neither can we change the past nor predetermine the future. So, if life doesn’t offer you the reverse gear, Why your thoughts?

Dwelling on the past and worrying about the future will only rob you of the present’s joy. So, why kill your present by the dark past and imminent future.


But, as each coin has two sides. So, your thinking about the past and future can too have two sides.
Recalling the beautiful memories of the past can also give you the joy of living the present moment. And this is what introspection of the past is.

Classically, thinking about the things that happened to you with an attitude of curiosity and self-exploration. It can be your childhood memories with your friends, family, relatives.

Introspection too has an opposite situation of the mental state. It is called as ‘ Rumination’.
Rumination means thinking about the past in regretting way. Regretting about the mistakes and dark memories of the past.

So, introspect about the past, don’t ruminate about the past.

Thinking about the past and future has only one stumbling block. That stumbling block will end up stumbling all your life. That is:

Robbing the present’s joy.

Just think once, if you are spending 30 minutes altogether in thinking of the past and future in a day. You have an average life of 75 years. Then you are spending an average of 3,375 hours, fifty and one-fourth days, one month twenty-six days of life in just thinking.

Wasting this precious time of life is the most significant loss in both offensive and defensive terms. What would be the most significant loss than losing present moments of life?

Thinking and regretting the past and worrying about the future has many other drawbacks.

The rumination of the past takes you towards depression. The worry of the future takes you to fear. The fear of our thoughts and illusions.This overthinking leads to many abnormal conditions as below:

  1. Depression
  2. Anxiety
  3. Fear
  4. Loneliness
  5. Low self-esteem

If you want to leave behind this dogma of past and future then follow the given golden guidelines. I assure you, they will help you to discover the ‘you’.

Start reading.

Trick yourself with the magic of powerful words. Read novels, magazines, newspapers, books, articles, blogs, and last but not least, your heart too.

Fuel your mind with the majesty of the world. Reading a book doesn’t merely implicate words. Rather words implicate emotions, feelings, experiences, knowledge, reality, and solitude.

Every day in the morning makes it a habit to read at least half an hour. Make reading a vital element of your morning routine. Also, read before going to bed. Follow the reading habit in your schedule. I promise you, and you will not get a single second to think about the things that don’t exist in the first place.

Listen to motivational videos and podcasts.

Always try to keep your mind engage. Engage your life in such a way that it soothes your soul. Listen to motivational videos and podcasts, listen to interviews of men and women who have to attain the glory of life.

You will understand, everybody has committed some significant mistakes in life. All have fall and rise in their life. But, still, they are enjoying the present, living the life full of grace. You are not a single sufferer. You are the one among millions.

Just remember to have the fire in the soul, grace in the heart, and smile on the face.

Write it. Talk it.

Yes, you heard it right. Either write it or talk about it. Everybody has to go through the tough phase in life, and you are not an exception.

Write down every stray thought that plunders your mind. Point out everything in life in your hand script. Make journalizing your habit. Make your journal, your best friend.

In case, if you have the real wealth of life, that is parents and friends who can understand you. Then be open to them. Talk to them about your problems. Hopefully, they will know what you are going through.


If you are an individual who wants to live the life to fullest. Dive deep into the ocean of life. Fly high in the sky of ambitions. Then don’t waste a single second of your life. Do whatever pleases you in any possible way. Listen to your heart, what the world says you don’t matter. What matters is what you want from your life. Be always foolish and hungry. Life will take you for sure in the woods where your soul resides.

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