What will happen if you wake up early morning?

Wake up early and tackle the day before it tackles you. Be on offense, not a defense.

Evan Carmicheal.

Almost, every individual wants productivity and tranquility in life.

 “Is there anything magical about waking up that 4:30 a.m.?” is the question that strikes my mind often when thinking about the above issues.

Waking up in the early morning is worth it?

From childhood, we are pampered by the thought, “Early to bed. Early to rise. Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” But is it worth waking up at 4: 30 a.m.? Then, let me ask you a simple question. ‘ Does your passion require deep thinking, focus, and silence to be accomplished?’

In case, if your answer is ‘yes. Then, you should probably consider waking up at 4:30 a.m. There are bunches of people who are trying to set their alarms early. Who try to seize the day. But; I must tell you. The famous saying, “Success comes to those who set their alarms earlier than others.” Isn’t a success myth.

The time you wake up has to do a lot with who you become. How you start your day has to do a lot with how the rest of your day seems to go. But; believe me, Something magical happens around 4:00 a.m. You will experience the greatest tranquility of the universe. Such as some universal force is acting on you.

But; you need to be extra careful. In haste to wake up at 4:30 a.m don’t chase your circadian rhythm. In today’s busy world we’re all very eager to believe that sleeping one hour less will give us one-hour productivity. But in reality, it’s likely to have the opposite effect. Get enough amount of sleep. If you won’t enough sleep as your body requires.  You will end up being sluggish and tired all day long. 

Another perspective.

We Indians are always told to wake up before the sun is out. It’s likely for thousands of years. Indian culture suggests people wake before the sun rises.

According to Ayurveda, the ideal time to wake up is before 45 minutes of the sunrise. It is said to be Brahma muhurta. Accordingly, Brahma muhurta is the ideal time to attain the Brahma Gyan or Self enlightenment.

Also, writing scientifically. A study conducted by the University of Westminster found that the stress hormone Cortisol is found in higher levels among those who rise earlier. 

3 Benefits of waking up early

1. No one is awake, it’s quiet.

It’s the time of the morning when the world is under their sheets. You can experience the pin-drop silence of the universe. It feels like some major forces in the universe are acting on your body. 

In that silence of the dawn, you can listen to the voice of your soul, the noise of your inner heart. It’s the perfect time to groom your soul and body both. The silence, Deep thinking, and focus you wish to have in work are all there. There is something strangely calming and inspiring.   

You can start your day with things you are passionate about. 

Multiple times, in sustaining the profession, we ought not to pursue our passion. 

I believe the one who has his passion as the profession is the like angel. That man can surely have the power to rule the earth. By waking in the mere good hours of the morning you can give enough time for your passion. Pursuing a passion is like diving deep down in our soul.

You will get more time for what you love.

If you are a passionate individual. And wants to reach a peak of it. Then from today, start waking up early at 4:30 a.m. Believe, as if the time you wake is the measurement of how passionate you are. The early you wake, the more passionate you are. 

Increases your productivity.

The one who is going to wake up in good hours of the morning is also, meant to have a good morning routine. We are often in a hurry. Whether be it because of waking late or snoozing the alarm. No issue, if you wish to wake early. Then your wish will automatically crave towards having a good morning routine. 

The person who knows, how to spend time wisely will surely boost up productivity. If will wake up at 4:30 a.m. Then, the half part of your morning will be over in productive tasks. These productive tasks will define your whole day.

Most importantly, if you want to follow your morning routine idealistically. Then, don’t touch your phone at least for one hour from the time you wake up. Stop going through your social media feeds and checking your e-mails. Rather, read a book. See an inspirational video or listen to a podcast.

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