What exactly drains your motivation and how to tackle it?

Now and then, in our life, we go through phases where we feel a lack of willpower and enthusiasm about almost all the work we do. That is because we are not able to sustain motivation we have to do things. We are discussing this here because it is one of the worst feelings in the world. The feeling of demotivation renders you unhappy, directionless, pointless, and you happen to feel something dragging you down. It consequently leads to affect your confidence level even further. Therefore, it is essential to determine the prime causes that let your motivation level run down. In the following section, we will discuss why the periodic fall in our motivation level and what you can do to stop it.

5 Major reasons we feel demotivated

 1. Our Fears

Your fear holds you back from progressively moving, and it prevents you from stepping forward in the right direction. Know that you shouldn’t be afraid to move forward on the path that only you have chosen for yourself. It is the hesitation caused due to fear, which is based on your imagination.

If your fear is a big obstacle for you to move forward towards your goal, you should eliminate this fear, boost your self-confidence, and believe in yourself. Work hard with your full potential without caring about the outcome.

2. Lack of challenge

Daniel Pink (author) said Challenge is another ingredient for motivation. No one can grow without dealing with challenges. We often tend to skip the path of challenges and resort to the seemingly easier path. It would help if you always went for an opportunity that challenges us to the next level. Opportunities help us to grow and progress on our selected path. Set the goals that are challenging in nature and gives you the scope for growth. Challenge you. You should not take small challenges that can be achieved easily by being sitting comfortably in our shell.

Think of the work/project you are doing, ask yourself if the work you are doing is adequately challenging? Does it make you step out of your comfort zone and enable you to push your limits? If the answer is no, then you should know it is not the best thing for you.

3. Purposeless work

Working without setting up your life goals is just like doing things simply just for the sake of doing that rather than what you actually want to do. It is tough to look for motivation for a work that carries no purpose whatsoever. Your life will be purposeless because you don’t know what you are doing, your achievement, and where you will go after this. It is not just useless but also leaves you confused about your own purpose and goals.

One of the best ways to beat this is by making your goals as clear as possible. You need to know what you really want to do to make you happy and satisfy your needs. Once you know it, work hard to achieve your own desired goals. If you truly desire to do something that has a purpose, then chances are you would not be facing a lack of motivation.

4. Staying in the comfort zone

No great personality we are aware of was served success on a silver platter. You should work hard and come out from your shell, try to push your limits as much as you can. Disappointment starts to come into the picture when you choose to settle for less than what you deserve just because you don’t want to break out from your comfort zone.

Do not make any boundaries for yourself just because the terrain ahead is a little rough. Know and push your limits and start working around things to get it done. It’s all up to you that you want to give up or gear up to cross your so-called limitless limits.

5. Being Idle

A bitter truth we tend to avoid is that we all are so used to staying idle that we think there is nothing wrong with it. Being idle is a major cause of demotivation, and it should not be a part of your habits in any way. Once it gets in your system, you will struggle to find motivation for even the most important things.

The best way to deal with it is by trying and grabbing opportunities that are near you. Stop being idle and keep on doing a variety of work. Doing so wouldn’t just keep you engaged but also help you hone your skills better and even help you earn your livelihood.

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