What are the different types of meditation?

Meditation, a channel to rediscover yourself most pleasantly, can be practiced by everyone irrespective of the age groups. Introducing individuals to meditation techniques right at a very early age is known to be more productive. 

When you are young, it becomes easier for you to get adapted to the techniques of meditation and make it an essential part of life. Regular meditation practices can influence a significant portion of our lives. Through meditation, one can easily tap the higher level of their consciousness and travel to a different world altogether. Several people have explained meditation in their own ways, but the only intention is to help a higher number of people to reap the benefits of this fantastic method. 

There are several meditation institutions, and each of them has its spiritual teachers. Also, every institute focuses on developing different meditation techniques depending upon their experience and years of practice. Choosing from these principles can be quite tricky as there are multiple centers like these. 

Although there are a few generic meditation techniques that are accepted worldwide, a few religions also preach their own forms of meditation, which are equally appreciated by millions of people across the globe. The ultimate idea of these teachings and techniques is to introduce many people to meditation and help them unleash the best of themselves. Whatever method you adopt, it is essential to practice it consistently. 

We have made an effort to collate the different kinds of meditation techniques across the globe. Once you are through with reading, you would be able to decide the best method for you.

  1. Mantra Meditation:

    This is one of the most followed meditation techniques across the globe—the roots of this meditation hail from Hinduism. Chanting of mantras (syllables) with the help of sacred beads like Rudrakshi is practiced regularly. The mantra that is uttered by the practitioners is ‘Om.’ Om is the most powerful and the holy symbols according to Hinduism as it is known to contain the cosmic power. Chanting Om with the right pronunciation while you focus on the breath is known to generate fantastic vibrations in your body. The practitioner has to repeatedly chant the mantras by concentrating on breathing. At times, the chain of mantras in praise of the Gods is also chanted, and it is known as ‘Japa.’ This method of meditation is also practiced in Jainism, Buddhism, and other Taoism. Apart from Om, Om Namah Shivaya is one of the most popular chants that people follow while meditating.
  2. Zen Meditation:

    This is one of the most practiced and accepted meditations linked to India’s land of culture. But the practice is widely accepted by a lot of Buddhists. According to the legends, this is one of the most ancient and much-practiced meditation techniques during the olden times. Zen meditation is also practiced a lot in Japan as the name Zen is derived from Japanese, meaning ‘seated meditation.’ Practicing this meditation in sitting posture, especially in the half-lotus position, is highly recommended.

    Known as Zen, this meditation emphasizes more on breath control. It is essential to focus and pay undivided attention to the breath and observe the way it moves in and out of your navel region. In this kind of meditation, if the mind wanders on various types of thoughts, it is good to let it be. This Dhyana or meditation is gaining a lot of popularity among most practitioners as it focuses on increasing the alertness and the presence of mind. It is good to learn this meditation technique from a teacher who comes with vivid and vast experience in the same field.
  3. Focused attention meditation:

    In this form of meditation, the practitioner needs to focus consistently on a particular object during the entire session of meditation. Whether it is a plain wall or the flame from the candle, the mind should stay still. Some people make breath as the object and focus on it by consciously reducing the other thoughts. Once you start focusing on an object for a longer duration, you would be able to develop undivided attention, and this would happen when you start progressing to the advanced levels. This meditation technique can help you to focus on things that you want, somewhat positive aspects of life, and negate the unwanted ones.
  4. Effortless Presence:

    It would not be wrong to call the effortless presence technique the foundation of the other forms of meditation. One does not have to focus on any object or anything in this technique. This method teaches you to introspect and come out alive without any judgments or prejudices. It teaches you to accept the situation as it is without trying to alter anything. This is the most challenging state of achieving, and all the quotes that you read on meditation are mainly based on this technique. In this method, you are only trying to get your brain acquainted with everything that happens and still choose to let them go without fear. It helps you to attain and discover the most hidden potential within yourself. You would emerge out as a fantastic individual as you get into practicing this meditation form.
  5. Vipassana meditation:

    Dating back to the 6th century, this is one of the popular meditation techniques that has its roots from the Buddhist culture. In this meditation method, the practitioner is expected to focus inwards and practice the art of ‘clear seeing.’ The word Vipassana stands for ‘insight’; hence, gaining complete freedom at all levels of your existence is the main theme behind this meditation theory. You need to start focusing on the breath when you first start practicing the Vipassana meditation. You must slowly move towards the physical organs, body parts, and then towards the thoughts. The idea here is to not cling to any of these things, instead accept them and let them all go without attaching any feelings or emotions towards it.
  6. Mindfulness meditation:

    Mindfulness meditation is the extension of Vipassana, and this form also comes from the Buddhist tradition. However, in this form of meditation, the practitioner would focus on everything that is happening in and around them with complete consciousness.

    You would only be focusing on your breath, but you would be consistently observing the sounds, sensations, and changes in the emotions that take place within you. You are expected to remain non-judgemental and accept everything that is happening around you with complete mindfulness. However, you must not let any other thoughts clutter your mind; even though you get distracted, it is important to acknowledge that bit and get back to paying attention to the breathing again.
  7. Metta Meditation:

    Yet another popular meditation that is derived from the Theravada and Tibetan lineages, Metta Meditation is excellent for everyone to practice. Metta, in Pali, means love; hence, this meditation is also known as Love-Kindness meditation. This meditation also has its roots in the Buddhism culture. This meditation technique can quickly heal the agony caused by others and make you accept and forgive the flaws of others quickly. When you continuously practice this meditation, you would start developing a lot of self-love and an attitude of gratitude towards everything and everyone.

    Practicing this meditation is amazing as you would be invoking the feelings of love, empathy, compassion, and benevolence at various levels of your existence initially. As you progress, you can start meditating to invoke beautiful feelings towards your friends, relatives, strangers, and the entire universe. In this technique, you would feel great for everything you have and would always be happy.
  8. Transcendental Meditation:

    This is one of the most popular meditation techniques that is followed largely in the West. This meditation has to be learned under the guidance of a licensed instructor, introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This meditation is found to be extremely powerful, and even here, the chanting of mantra is involved. But, unlike the other meditation techniques, you cannot learn it for free. One has to enroll themselves in the classes conducted at the centers.
  9. Guided meditations:

    In today’s world, it becomes quite difficult to focus within as a lot of chaos would surround you. Guided meditation is a technique where the practitioner would listen to the audio files or podcasts from the meditation Gurus and experts. One can either meditate using the binaural beats, affirmations, body scan, and guided imagery. It becomes easier for a novice to start with this technique before moving towards the unguided method. 

Apart from all these meditation techniques, there are several other forms like Yogic meditation, Chakra meditation, Kundalini, Third-Eye meditation, and many more. After knowing all these meditation types, you would be able to choose the best one for yourself. You might choose any method of meditation, but if you aim to achieve perfection, it is important to practice it for years together and note all the changes and transformation that has taken place in your lives. 

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