What are mindmaps, how to use them to boost your productivity?

Many of us remember a small number of things and if memorized that too for a very short period. But, there are few people who remember every single thing that too in long terms.  How is that possible?. Many of us would have listened or read it.” Write or visualize things.” 

By writing our visualizations can we really remember them efficiently?  I too tried it. I wrote everything I wanted to do in the day. But, shockingly ended up missing many things that were small but significant.

 Like, I wrote every point and filled a long page. As it was not my by-hearting note. So, I didn’t mug it up. At the end of the day, I remembered that I had not taken my French lesson of the day. Unfortunately, I had missed my seven-day streak. 

No matter, how hard I tried to memorize. I would end up missing rather one or two tasks. I know for sure. Many people even don’t notice that they are missing something. 

So, I am here with a technique that will not only make you memorize things for long. But, it will also improve your work efficiency, productivity, and satisfaction. It’s – Mind Map. 

What is Mind map?

A Mind Map is a diagram for representing tasks, words, concepts linked to and arranged around a central theme. A Mind Map was made with the purpose of ease, to brainstorm thought organically without worrying about order or structure.

This technique is a highly effective way of getting a piece of information in and out of your mind through a logical and creative transition of note-taking and note mapping. 

In short, you can take this mind mapping technique as the map of the route leading you to success. Just transform a bulky piece of information into a nice appealing and easy to memorize map using your sixth sense. Map mind isn’t any rocket science, It’s literally “mapping out” the ideas that strike to your mind.

Mind maps were brought into being as well as popularised by the author and consultant, ‘ Tony Buzan’. Tony Buzan traveled all his life. He dedicated all his life to popularising the visual techniques which he had developed when he was in the university around the 1960s. Tony Buzan stated that Mind Mapping is a tool that can maximize the power of the brain. 

Tony Buzan also quoted.

Learning how to learn is life’s most important skill.

Principles of the mind map. 

Mind maps may seem to you as mere small charts. In that case, you are underestimating. Because small insignificant looking things have the capacity of bringing significant changes. 

So, if you want major changes, then, it’s obligatory to follow the principles. The following are some principles of the mind map that you need to follow. 

  1. Aim for transparency.
  2. Develop your personal pattern.

History of the mind maps. 

Many might think that Mind mapping is a technique that has been developed in recent years. But: that’s not the truth. Mind maps have a long history and are traced back to the third century. Early thinkers and philosophers used graphic designs to diagram various concepts, ideas, and words that are related to the central concept.  

It’s a very complicated simple thing. Believe a mind map is a tree. Then, your project or idea of the basement is going to be your root. Way to progress is the stem. Later flourishing ideas, [ sub-headings, obstacles ] are going to be the branches. Whatever experience you get is the flower. Whatever Result you get is your fruit.

Mind mapping is a technique based on memory and creativity and comprehensive understanding. So, when the student or the child uses the mind map, they are using their brain in the way their brain was designed to be used. So, the mind helps them in all learning and cognitive skills. It simply helps them in what the brain does naturally. __ by Tony Buzan.

How to create a Mind map?

Creating a Mind map is a very simple task. The task of just a mere two to four minutes. That too with only four simple steps.

The mind map is often created around a single concept, drawn as an image and diagram in the center of the blank page. Associated representation of ideas and images is added in the form of branches.

Tony Buzan, the modern curator of mind maps says it right, “It is not important to have the knowledge. It’s more important to manage that knowledge.” 

To create a mind map, follow the given four steps.

Step 1: Write the title of the subject or project you’re going to work in the center of the page. Draw any shape that pleases you around that title. For example a circle or a square.

Step 2: Draw lines out from the shape drawn in the center  [ circle ]. Place in it the subheadings, important facts, or tasks.  

Step 3: Plunge more submerged into the subject to uncover the next level of information. Here, you can mention facts you have to be careful about, obstacles coming in the way, and ways to tackle those problems.

Step 4:  As you discover the additional piece of information in the task, just write it down.  

Above, are the steps to create the mind map. Although the main thing of all is to follow that mind map. Revise and recall it virtually in the mind and complete tasks minorly with every detail.

Ways to use mind maps efficiently.

  • Single words or uncomplicated phrases – Use single, simple, but effective words in the mind map. The words that will trigger your cue. Be careful. Excess words may ruin your whole mind map. 
  • Print words –  Words that are easier to read, understand, and stimulate. 
  • Use different colors or highlight the significant tasks – This technique helps you to visualize the different sections of your Mind map for future recalling.
  • Symbols and images – Use symbols, emojis, and smiles. They will make you happy as well as convey more information.

Above, given guidelines will help you to enhance your mind maps. Single words, print words, highlights, and symbols will trigger your cues. Cues are the first stage of habit formation. When the above objectives will trigger your cues, your mind will crave for the response. 

The below-given diagram is a Mind Map. It is a mind map based on the aspects of mind mapping. 

In the given diagram, four aspects of mind mapping are shown that are Benefits, Productivity, Planning, Creativity. So, here Mind mapping is the central theme. Benefits, productivity, Planning, Creativity are the sub-ideas. And as you can see each sub-ideas have many branches. 

Likewise, You can create mind maps of your daily routine, projects, business brainstorming, collaborations, etc. 

Benefits of the mind maps.

Helps in memorization and retention. 

Human memory is the process in which information and material are encoded, stored, and retrieved in the brain. Retention of learning in simple words means to store any piece of information in the mind for long-term. Memory and retention are linked because any retained information is kept in human memory stores, therefore without human memory processes, retention of material would not be possible.

In the mind maps, we use many words, colors, and structures. The mapmaker’s memory observes and encodes them all while making itself. The visual thinking of the brain helps to retain it. 

 W. Martin Davies [ Wilde professor of Mental philosophy emeritus at the university of oxford.] says it right, “Diagrams are more easily stored in memory than any other kinds of representational formats.”

Another method, “Efficacy of the mind map technique.” is developed. Its research states that mind maps boosted the retention power of the brain by 10-15%.

It improves your productivity.

Mind maps help us to manage and organize the ideas. Mind maps allow the free flow of ideas in an achievable setting. It sets the mind in the way that all concentration is taken by the main theme. In the way, that brain stops wandering in different directions. 

Also, as I stated above, the images, words, and ideas trigger your cues. Once, the brain triggers the cue, no worry. Just try to keep your motivation on a high peak. I guarantee, your productivity will boost in the multiple factors. 

Psychological investigations have also concluded, under the taken survey. “Busy executives and other business persons stated that their work productivity increased by 20%- 30%.”

 It ignites your creativity.

According to Mark Dykeman, mind mapping helps ignite your creativity because you can get on paper as quickly as possible, and you can empty your head when inspiration is at peak. 

While making a mind map writing obstacles in doing a task, ways to tackle those, and location of task everything is mentioned. It’s rather like a habit stacking practice. You have to decide.

After, [CURRENT HABIT] I will do [DESIRED HABIT]. Likewise in mind mapping, we have a clear vision of every task we want to complete. 

Psychological research states that beginners and intermediates using the mind mapping technique experienced a 50% increase in their creativity.

Brain Functions in mind mapping.

When mind maps came into being. Another scientific research confirmed their validity as a brain-compatible thinking method. Dr. Roger Sperry, an American neuropsychologist. He confirmed that the evolutionary latest part of the brain, the ‘thinking cap’ of the cerebral cortex, was divided into two major hemispheres, and those hemispheres performed a comprehensive range of tasks, called cortical skills. The task includes Logic, Rhythm, Lines, Color, Lists, imagination.

While making and reading mind maps both right and left parts of the brain function together. This functioning of the brain allows you to take all composed decisions. Using both parts simultaneously, we tend to combine intuition with logical thinking. This not only boosts our productivity and helps to make decisions efficiently.

  It is known that the right part of the brain is responsible for creativity, emotions, and intuition. While the left side of the brain is responsible for analytical thinking, logic, critical thinking, reasoning, and language. And if I am not wrong, we need logic and intuition to make every minor decision. 

Usability of mind mapping technique.

The mind map is the external mirror of your own radiant or natural thinking facilitated by a powerful graphics processor. Which provides the universal key to unlock the dynamic potential of the brain. 

Mind mapping is one of the most versatile techniques. It can be acquired and used well- versed by students, entrepreneurs, executives, C.E.O’s, and even anyone. It’s not an obligation that high professional executives and professionals need to use mind mapping methods. 

Anyone who wishes to structure information, analyze it, memorize for a long time and retain it from time to time can use it. 

Up to yet, we have taken an overlook on common benefits of mind mapping. But let me tell you. Mind mapping has benefits up to such a vast extent. They can be categorized into business, education, and entrepreneur classes.

It empowers learning.

Mind mapping technique empowers learning for people of any age group. Whether it be students, entrepreneurs, businessmen, professionals. By mind mapping, we can form connections between what we have learned and what we already know.  It’s like adding in acquired skill to your already existing portfolio. 

Mind Mapping in the business.

Over, last few years Mind mapping has managed to grab the major eyeballs of business class. Mind Mapping has been recognized as one of the effective techniques and effective communication tools that promotes brainstorming [ group discussions to produce ideas and solve problems ] and collaborations.

Benefits of Mind Mapping in the business. 
  1. Increase productivity.
  2.  Simplify requests for proposals.
  3. Enhance communication skills.
  4.  Knowledge management.
  5. Enhances collaboration.

A survey conducted by mind mapping expert Chuck Frey, states that business users of mind mapping believe their productivity has increased on average by 25%.

3  rules for the extraordinary precision in mind maps. ( Significantly, for business professionals)
  1. Make it clear as much you can.
  2.  Make it obvious.
  3.  Simplify without forfeiting clarity.

Benefits of mind mapping in education.

Students can utilize the benefit of mind mapping to the full extent. For, students creating a mind map is not a tough thing. It’s as simple as creating web diagrams. 

Everyone would be familiar with our teacher’s technique to simplify things and then teach. Whenever; there is a broad concept teachers would simplify by making web diagrams.  We cannot memorize those bulky notes. So, as we cannot remember the bulky points need to accomplish each task.

Below are some benefits of mind mapping for students.

  • Visualizing concept
  • Improves critical thinking.
  • Enhances reading and writing skills.
  • Helpful in essays and notes.
  • Improves analytical thinking. 

Now, it’s your turn.

Above are all the benefits and techniques regarding mind mapping. It was my responsibility to inform you about mind mapping. Now, it’s your turn.

Use the mind mapping technique in your day-to-day tasks. No matter what age you are, what is your profession? If you want to increase the creativity aspect of your work. Then MindMaps can be a great tool to add in your belt.

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