The way building habits are better than setting goals.

When it comes to goal setting, Almost everybody has in mind a hefty load of some significant goals. That we have promised ourselves to accomplish in a desirable time frame. 

Each day we tell ourselves in our mind that “I have to complete this specific goal in a given time frame.”

It might be any long term or short term goal like, I have to give time for myself, I have to lose 20 pounds to look beautiful, I have to complete my writing project in next three months.

As James Clear, author of atomic habits quotes 

      Goals are useful for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress.

As the author suggests, we should always focus on our system and always remember the small habits (atomic habit ) are the building blocks of our system. 

We are the product of what we do and not what we want.

Once again as James clear says 

   “True long-term thinking is goal-less thinking. It’s not about any single accomplishment. It is about the cycle of endless refinement and continuous improvement. Ultimately, it is your commitment to the process that will determine your progress.”

It’s a fact that all individuals have to chase a vague conception about wealth, success, relations, happiness like I want to have my own house in the early thirties. I want to build closer and friendly relationships, but unfortunately, very few individuals have these prosperities of life. The only thing that makes a significant difference is ‘HABITS.’

What are habits?

Basically, habits are, ‘A behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition. Or physiologic exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance.’

In short, anything or any ritual which you practice daily becomes a habit.

For example, if you start practicing yoga daily, then you will acquire a habit of practicing yoga after a few days or say months.

How much does it take to form habits?

Everybody, honestly including me too, kickstart habits with much enthusiasm. Starting to form patterns or practice them daily seems to be very easy, but that isn’t as easy as you think. 

Forming habit is a bit difficult. Practicing them is more complicated, and being persistent in your habits is the most difficult.

As scientific research states, 

It takes 21 days to make any daily ritual you practice a habit.

And it takes 90 days that is three months to make your habit a lifestyle. 

You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.

 _ John c. Maxwell

Why should you prefer practicing habits rather than setting goals?

If you have not set your habits or daily ritual yet, then it’s not late.

And if you have a guilty feeling, here is what Dale Carnegie has to say for you.

Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have.

1. Goals take much time to be accomplished. 

  We always tend to make some meaningful life goals that would require a lifetime dedication and a hefty amount of patience. Still, the fact is that pursuing such purposes is not easy. You don’t feel much enthusiasm within a few times, and all your dedication has been lost.  

For example, if you are a student and have a goal to crack your examinations with a good rank. Then it is going to be a long process because, for sure, it will take time, maybe some years. And as time passes, you will grow to be impatient and anxious by pressure. But if you decide that I have to study 10 minutes more than the previous day or I have to sit in one place for 3 hours and study. Then that would be beneficial and at the same time, will give you better results. 

2. Goals have an end. Once achieved, people convert goals into ignorance.

Many individuals pervert once the goals are achieved. For example, many people have a purpose of coming into the perfect shape by losing some pounds, and they really work hard and do it. But once they have achieved their goal, they no longer follow specific rituals like exercising, eating healthy food, etc. Once again, they tend to gain some extra pounds. 

Benefits of acquiring magnificent habits.

Habits are pavements leading to the path which will take you to your destination. That is your goal. Here are the golden guidelines that will convey to you the importance of building habits. 

1. Habits are realistic.

Habits are the rituals that we perform daily; hence they are realistic, but when we set goals without actions, they are virtual. They are just if-then statements.  

2. Habits stay as long as we live 

Once habits are acquired, they remain with us up to last breath. For example, you have an inclination to practice meditation each day. The mediation is a habit which you will perform throughout your life. 

3. Habits can be big or small as you want 

If you aim to become an avid reader, you should not directly read big novels and books, but first, you have to build the habit of reading small articles. The major problem with goals is that they can provide us direction but not the path.

4. You can modify your habits and improve them with time. 

As I said above, to be an avid reader, you should first read articles and then build a habit of reading small books and later big novels. The crucial point is that in all this procedure, you tend to acquire self-discipline.

5. Habits are easy to complete

Forming a habit and practicing it daily helps us conquer our quantitative and qualitative goals. Once you start to practice a habit, we find it easier with passing time, and within no time, we become a master in that skill. 

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