The increase in productivity that you can expect by focus timers.

close up of hourglass on the table with clock and books

While studying and working, we all face a single issue- Lack of focus and concentration. This only issue is responsible for creating multiple issues in our life. Lack of focus in study and professional work may cause many problems.

If you are a workaholic professional and still facing an issue of less productivity, then for sure, something which is lagging is your focus. And for sure.’ A deadline for work is never kind enough to allow to deliver before 11th hour.’

Many of us try many things to focus more on our work, like using alarms, reading different books on productivity, etc. But, in long terms, none of the things work for us, isn’t that?
One day I was reading an article which was about a method called The Pomodoro method. I tried it and found that it was so useful.

What is the Pomodoro method?

If you are someone who wants to concentrate deeply on work and also complete work before the given deadline then, the Pomodoro method is going to be useful for you.
The Pomodoro technique is the time management method developed in the late 1980s. The Pomodoro technique uses a timer to breakdown work into intervals, and traditionally, it includes twenty-five minutes of focused work, which is called ‘Pomodoro’—then separated by a short break of five minutes.

How was the Pomodoro technique discovered?

It was in the late 1980s that a university student ‘Francesco Cirillo ‘ discovered The Pomodoro method.
We often face a problem, especially students. When exams are going on we study all night long still, we can’t remember anything. By each passing hour of the night, our productivity deteriorates. This same thing happened with Francesco Cirillo. He experimented with a timer ( tomato-shaped ). He tracked the time and focused on his study for a specific time and rewarded himself with a break. Francesco finds the method so useful.
The technique was named after Pomodoro after a Latin word for tomato.

Her many people would have a question:

What to do in the brake to maintain continuity?

It’s a common problem that we all face. Focusing on the first twenty-five minutes and then doing something so worse in the break that it would ruin all.
Here is a list of preferences to do in the break:

  1. Take a short walk.
  2. Reward yourself with a cup of tea or coffee.
  3. Do some stretching.
  4. Perform some breathing exercises.
  5. Go outside and soak in the sun.
  6. Do some meditation.
  7. Create a quick yoga routine.
  8. Do something artistic.
  9. Here are a few activities that should be strictly avoided during the break.

For modern beings like use, the advanced Pomodoro technique has been established in the form of ‘Focus timers’

What are focus timers?

Focus timers are the applications where we switch on a timer and focus on a task until the time beeps, this not helps to make our work quantitative but qualitative also.

Focus timers are present in the form of a simple timer app with some best features and believe me; they are worth trying.

If you want the best focus booster app with amazing features, then do visit the given link.

Benefits of using the focus timers.

If you are someone who wants more productivity and focuses on work then focus timers are worth it for you.

1. Increases productivity.

Making the Appropriate use of time is most important in the aspect of any task. In today’s competition, smart work is more worthy than hard work. For sure smart work demands the appropriate use of time.
By concentrating on single work for a specific time, we grasp more things and also due to breaks our mind refreshes from time to time.

2. Maintain motivation.

As we approach the end, we enter a phase of an enthusiastic race. The enthusiasm and excitement motivate us to do more better. Once we unlock our potential, then nothing can stop us from pushing ourselves a little every time.

3. Knowing the worth of both times and ourselves.

The real magic happens when you start using the Pomodoro technique. It cannot be explained in words, but it makes efficient changes. By using the method, you will understand how much time you used to waste. Once you learn to make the appropriate worth of time and capability, then for sure, you are going to know your worth.

4. Walk with time.

When using the focus timers, it’s like walking with time and pacing ahead of the competition. You would learn to create your own space for productivity. The rate of accountability in work increases with productivity.
If you, too, want to explore your potential and capabilities with a walk with time and give justice to your talent, then do visit and download.

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