The efficiency guide for working in a team

We all at some point have experienced working in a team, and some of us must have experience in managing teams. Independent of the fact, whether you are a manager or not, the right perception of teamwork can help you be a valuable asset for your organization. Building a team or to be a part of one, requires a specific set of teamwork skills. A team can be successful when it can achieve bigger goals and functions and all the individuals work in a larger team than in isolation. However, the overall efficiency of a team depends on two factors:

  • How much focussed and determined are the team members in achieving the larger common goals?
  • If there are proper communication and coordination among the team members?

Following are some team building techniques and tips that can help any individual who aspires or work in a team and; also managers who want their organization to work as a team:

1. Look out for Clarity

A team works as a team only when there is clarity in the overall vision and direction. The only focus of the team is to have a set goal and all members should be dedicated to achieving that set goal. Therefore, it is very important to have clear direction from the leader or the supervisor regarding the method of attaining those goals. All the people in the team should agree to the targets and methods of achieving them. You can start by depicting well defined and clear job responsibilities for all the members.

2. Practice effective communication

Communication is the key to effective teamwork. It is important to know that frequent meetings and forced talks do not improve communication within teams. You should inculcate the habit of listening among members and yourself. You should take suggestions and remain open to feedback. It is hugely beneficial as it prevents misunderstanding within the team environment. Another factor is how accessible and approachable the supervisor is, this reassures the members in the team that they can comfortably share their feedback and other pieces of information. This is turn improves the structure of the team and the dynamics among fellow members.

3. Have an over-arching set of ethics and rules

Defining rules and ethics for a team are foundational for its proper functioning. Having set standards that are common and applicable for all. That ensures fairness and healthy competition among team members. Pre-set rules play an important role in maintaining discipline amongst team members. These rules can highlight the importance of punctuality and adherence to deadlines. Similarly, ethics are very important for the team to have healthy competition without conflicts. The whole team should be committed to these over-arching principles.

4. Embrace Diversity

Diversity has been overlooked for many years in the past and was seen as a bizarre thing, especially gender diversity. There have been multiple pieces of research to support that diversity in teams translates into effective work output. When people from different walks of life and gender come together, learning at work increases exponentially. Also, people from different backgrounds come with different advantages and skillsets which makes a team more holistic.

5. Frequent Brainstorming

Brainstorming is an excellent activity to get all the members together and think. You can use this to have your team talk about everything about the project. It can be used as a platform for all the members to contribute and be innovative with their ideas. It encourages other members of the team to give their opinions and their point of view and brings everyone closer together.

6. Building Trust

Having trust between members is crucial for efficiency in the output. It also boosts confidence and co-dependence which consequently leads to sharing a stronger bond. You should be loyal to your team members in order to expect the same from them. There are a plethora of other ways you can employ to boost trust among fellow members. It is also an effective measure to build enthusiasm and brings team member together. If you have a team that enjoys trust in its members, you will notice that the members have this intense loyalty towards all the tasks assigned in the team. It helps bolster the strength and dedication of the group. Other than that the members learn more about their personal lives and the importance of trust in any kind of relationship.

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