Signs that you are in a toxic relationship with technology

Technology, popular for its capabilities to revolutionize every bit of your daily lives in numerous ways. Ironically, it can be extremely detrimental if we are surrounded or wrapped up in technology (like our phone, computer, television, etc.) for long hours. The question is how do you know if you have entered into such a relationship with technology. We more often than not see tiny toddlers moving their fingers seamlessly on tablets, teenagers locked in their rooms to their computers, adults buried into their phone screen even when in public are few examples of the new normal we are setting for ourselves.

In the present day, the increasing popularity of technology and the pace with which it is integrating into our lives is astonishing. This new reality prompts us to ponder the potential of developing a serious addiction to technology. Given that there is no internet or technology police which will flag you when you meet the threshold. Historically, the word addiction used to be associated with substance abuse. However, after 1980 gambling got recognized as a potential addiction. This leads experts to reclassify addiction.

I intend to break this article into two parts. Firstly, the signs that could mean that you are in some kind of unhealthy relationship with technology. Secondly, I will share some ways you can break this relationship. The intention is to help you open your eyes to the true role of technology in our life so that you can evaluate your usage. Also, I have tips for you that can help you come out from the addiction to technology.

Signs you are addicted to technology

1. You start to feel anxious when you don’t get to check your phone

This is something that is very common across people of all ages, especially young adults. We start to develop a weird feeling when we are not able to check our phone for some time. We start to grow very uncomfortable when our phone is not in close vicinity to us. A lot of times people do not realize how much they are into with their devices until they lose it or fail to check their phones for a long time and then they realize how much they rely on it once the panic starts to kick in. I do not disregard the fact that our phones are of great use to us and are a wonderful safety device too, but it is absolutely unhealthy to be so much attached to it that you feel physically anxious when it is out of your hand’s reach.

2. Your relationships with other people start to take a hit

If you are too much into technology, you start to drift away from the traditional person to person interaction. This happens quite often with the gaming addicts, they start losing the track of time, bring their human interactions to a minimum. It is not exclusive to just video games but other devices also contribute in a similar manner. After a point, even your close friends stop calling you which creates a wedge in your personal relationships.

Another common reason why technology is repelling people farther in the real world is that we are constantly looking in the screens of our phones or other devices. Many times responding to non-urgent calls or messages when you are actually spending time with others, sends a message that you don’t want to be with them or you do not like their company.

3. Your sleep is affected because of technology

This is one of the most common sign and it affects a great chunk of people out there. Most of the technology we use comes with a screen/ monitor. We all have been guilty of getting sucked up by our favorite TV shows or a thrilling video game and end up staying late. Sometimes, we pick up our laptops to get the work done in the middle of the night. Neither of them is good for your physical health.

Another big reason we lose our sleep is because of the long hours of screen exposure. Most of the devices we use come with a screen. More often than not we use our mobile phone, laptop in dark. The blue light which is emitted from our screens hamper our sleep cycle and consequently deteriorate our mental and physical well being.

4. You can’t help but check your phone even while driving

I have personally seen a lot of people checking their phones while they drive. Ideally, I should not be warning you about the hazards of looking at your phone or texting while you drive, but in case you need some refresher… According to a survey conducted in the United States, sending or receiving a text message while driving takes away your eyes from the road for approximately 5 seconds. It is equivalent to driving at 55 mph for the distance of the field of football Blindfolded. If that statistic doesn’t scare you out, god knows what will. Make your safety on the road as your priority over your addiction to constantly check your phone.

5. You lose the track of time when you’re engaged with technology

You are constantly surrounded by gadgets and gizmos at all points in time. It is likely that you find yourself lying on the couch watching TV, or turning on your laptop to chill online for a few minutes… but you simply don’t realize the time passing by, and the next time you check time an hour has flown away. That’s fine if it has happened with you once or twice but making it a regular habit will be a disaster for your social life. It is not much difficult to get pulled into this toxic relationship, all you need to have is control over yourself. Have a stringent schedule and stick to it. Otherwise, the opportunity cost is, you will miss a great chunk of time you could spend with your family or friends.

Ways to break your technology addiction

Now that you have come this far, I am sure you know whether or not you are in a toxic relationship with technology. If you do not have any aforementioned signs you may stop reading this article. I would like to highlight some statistics to show how grief this problem is:

  • Research suggests that about 64% of people spend around 4 hours of their free time in front of an electronic device. Making us more prone to a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Multiple studies on European and American population suggests that at least 38% population is suffering from technology addiction.
  • More than 40% of us check our phones within 5 minutes of waking up and take out our time nearly 25 times a day, as per a study by Deloitte.

If you yourself have any of the present signs or you want to help your friend or family member to come out of it, the following are some tips that can help you:

1. Try and bring an end to idle moments

Idle moments are a gateway from which technology takes over us. Bringing idle moments to an end would be a big step forward in the right direction. The question is how do we do it? The best way to tackle it is by making a list of activities that you can do or engage in, instead of scrolling on your phone. Such things could be making your cupboard, cleaning your room, going for a walk.

Next time you are free and your first impulse is asking you to reach out for your device, remind yourself of the alternatives you have listed. Tell yourself of things that you have listed will help you more and are meaningful. The most critical thing is to find something which appeals to you.

2. Employ tech to get rid of tech

This may sound a bit absurd but is one of the best ways to get over your technology addiction. There is analytics on most of the applications we use that shows our usage in hours. This personally helped me to know how much time I spend while scrolling on Instagram. You can also put a self-imposed usage limit. Your application will send you a push notification or lock itself after you exceed the dedicated time. Similarly, you can go into the settings of your smartphone and check your screen time. You will get a clearer idea of how deep are you in this unhealthy relationship.

3. Don’t rely on your willpower

Remember the time when people use to tell each other that it is your willpower that can get you out of all the problems and all sorts of addictions. Relying on willpower is the best thing you can do to tackle your addiction for all the things except, technology. Know that your willpower is absolutely nothing against the world’s best start-ups and billion-dollar companies all fighting for your attention. All it takes is to pull the plug out to shut almost any device but we know how many of us are successful in doing so. Therefore, you should acknowledge the fact that your will power will not save your life here and figure out better ways to fight this addiction.

4. Leave all your devices well before bed time

Almost all the devices we are exposed to or own comes with a savvy screen. Most of us have these screens in all the parts of our house from the living room to the bedroom. The blue light emitted from these illuminated screens hampers the production of melatonin (a hormone known as the darkness hormone, which gives our brain signals when its time to sleep). Tonight, when you go to sleep, try switching off all your devices and leaving them out of your bedroom, at least an hour before you sleep. Instead, you can write a gratitude journal or read your favorite book while on the bed. Another great thing you do before you go to sleep is practicing meditation and mindfulness. A lot of us, lately, have forgotten to live in the moment and fail to acknowledge it in its entirety.

5. Start small

Absolute withdrawal from all technological hiatuses can have similar consequences as that of withdrawal from alcohol or any other substance. Putting a simple break will make you fall into it or can be even worse effects on you. You can take small but impactful steps and conquer your addiction bit by bit. You may promise yourself to not check your phone on the dinner table while you are enjoying your meal. Try not to carry your phone when you go out for a short walk out in the park and rather enjoy yourself. Know for a fact that any change in the direction is far better than absolutely no change.

6. Turn off the option of notification

Just like in the office environment we often get irritated by nagging colleagues dropping by at our desk every 10 minutes, the same is with these notifications. The only difference is that you can turn the notification from your laptop or phones off. Every time the screen of the phone kept on your desk wakes up, you have that urge to pick it and check the phone despite knowing that it is absolutely irrelevant. By just a simple act of turning off your notification can make you less likely to look on the screen of your phone every few seconds.

7. Plan technology breaks

Jot down the time you plan to take a break from technology. For example, you want to take a break of 15 minutes between 3.00-3.15, make sure you keep all the devices switched off or out of sight during these 15 minutes specifically. Instead, have a specific plan in place for yourself so that your brain does not wander towards technology. You can go for a walk outside or practice mindfulness where ever you are. You can also reward yourself with a small treat like a cup of coffee or a cookie, for successfully spending your breaks without any digital devices around. Another great thing that you can do when you take a break is talking to a friend or someone you care about in person.

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