Home Emotional Intelligence Resilience at the time of COVID

Resilience at the time of COVID

by Nipun Gera

To the best of my knowledge, the world has not seen had such a big test of resilience as we are facing in this COVID era for generations. The suddenness with which this disease has spread across the world has taken everyone with a surprise and has changed the way we used to see our lives. New words like “Viral Hotspot”, “Lockdown” and “Quarantine” have all become part of our day to day vocabulary.

While doctors, nurses, and other paramedical staff are trying to take care that every patient gets adequate care. Administrators are trying to keep the supply chain afloat. We, common people, are also struggling to come to terms with “The New Normal”.

More than a disruption for our routine

The majority of the people out there do not like the word “change”. People are comfortable following the same pattern. Failure to follow the same established routine can cause anxiety and frustration.

Most of the things that never really played an important in our lives like washing hands every 30 minutes, maintaining a safe distance, and being extremely mindful of sources of infection, now hold precedence over most aspects of our lives. It is not just a mere change in the routine but also a new way of life. Adjusting to living in confined spaces, interacting with family members on a whole new level altogether. On top of it, all the worries of job loss, dropping economy, filling hungry stomach to feed, the possibility of contracting infection, cause distress, and extreme anxiety.

Common responses in distress

I am categorizing the essential responses of human beings at the time of emotional distress. None of us anticipated such a thing could happen. Therefore, different people are reacting in their own ways. Following are the most common ones:

  • Denial: Mostly the people who resist change, prefer to stay in denial. Sometimes it is too much happening and it is hard to process. So, these are the people who stop watching the news at the time of the pandemic and pretend that nothing’s different.
  • Reactive: This is a very common response. We hear news and we feel the need to do something about it. In most of the circumstances, it is counter-productive. Like rushing to the departmental store to buy toilet papers, buying groceries to feed 100 people are a few examples.
  • Proactive: This is the best way to act when in crisis. Being proactive means to try to do all you can in your capacity to take control of your situation. It is much easier to stay in denial or reactive on impulses than taking proactive measures.

How to be more resilient with COVID-19?

Accept the situation

Acknowledging the COVID 19 situation and realizing that you have no option but to accept the reality. Although it is very easy to say to accept the reality, some of us are in very tough situations. People are finding it difficult to make ends meet, losing jobs, falling sick, and struggling for safety. But acknowledging and accepting that there is no easy way out from it, is the first step.

Acknowledge your feelings

Sadly, the society we all are a part of tells us that sadness and fear are the signs of weakness. This becomes particularly tough if you are head of your family, the leader of your organization or company. So, we try to conceal these feelings and put on a happy face. This many times translates into psycho-somatic discomfort (like having a headache, stomach, etc.)

Allow yourself to express what you feel, that will help you deal with the situation better. It is perfect to feel sad and scared in some situations. You should verbalize what you feel if that makes you feel better. Just be compassionate towards your feeling and know it is okay to be sad or scared.

Take actionable steps

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What can you do within your capacity that will make the situation better for you and the people around you?
  • How do we ensure that everyone we care about gets their meal on the table?
  • How can we assure that all household chore are divided judiciously that no one feels burdened?
  • How can you ensure everyone around you maintains proper hygiene, and clean their hands regularly?

If you follow these steps you will find yourself in a much better place. You will be able to focus on things that matter and build resilience in the time of crisis.

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