Meditation – A complete guide.

Today, in the 21st century, every individual seems to be busy and stressed out. The huge competition for education, money, survival has made man restless than ever.

The problems which are emerging nowadays might be new ones. But; the way people are dealing with is not old.

It’s for sure. The meditation heals out from the spiritual, religious, and scientific background. Many people across the globe practice meditation.

What is meditation?

Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique. Such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object thought, or activity. To train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

It can also be practiced is a psychotherapeutic technique. To set our daily affairs and thought procedures in order.

Meditation is a practice that, engages an individual in contemplation or reflection. It can also involve mental exercises. Many such as concentration on breathing, repetition of the mantra, enchanting prayer, or maybe your task.

The word meditation has originated from the Latin word ‘ to ponder’. Through meditation, we can connect to our body, mind, and soul.

What is the right time to practice meditation?

Although, there isn’t a right and wrong time to meditate. It can be at any time according to your convenience. But; the main intentions should be. Practice meditation in a way that meets our needs. Complements our personality.

It is obligatory to meditate according to our convenience will give us a sense of tranquility and internal harmony.

Scientific research, tells us that the most auspicious time to do the meditation is 4 a.m. and 4 p.m.

It is a fact that the angle between the earth and the sun is 60 degrees. At that being in a sitting position at these times will balance the pituitary gland [ master gland ] and pineal gland [ gland responsible for our circadian rhythm, also known as body clock ]. It will be giving us the maximum result.

Benefits of practicing meditation.

The benefits of practicing meditation are almost endless. You will get benefits from meditation. In every aspect of your life. It may be emotional, physical, ethical, social, and professional.

Below are some benefits of meditation:

  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Reduce anxiety.
  • Decrease pain.
  • Ease the symptoms of depression.
  • Improve sleep.
  • Lengthens attention span.
  • Better stress management skills.
  • Improvement in memory and fluid intelligence.

Origin of meditation.

Meditation is all about focusing your attention. Tapping into awareness. and observing your experience without being judgemental.

People in ancient times practiced meditation. And has it’s deep roots in the ancient Buddhist, Jain, Japenese, Hindu, Christain, Muslim, and many other cultures across the globe. The earliest written records of meditation are found in ancient Hindu traditions, in India, of Vedantism around 1500 B.C.E.

Ancient Indian text of Upanishads, Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, and Buddhist sutras have the references for meditation. In earlier times, meditation was a significant practice for monks, sages, and holy men.

When meditation is mastered,
The mind is unwavering
Like the flame of a candle in a windless place.

_ Bhagavad Gita.

Forms of meditation.

There are many forms of meditation across the globe. But; the six prominent are as follow

  1. Mindfulness meditation.
  2. Spiritual meditation.
  3. Focused meditation.
  4. Movement meditation.
  5. Mantra meditation.
  6. Transcendental meditation.

Among, all the above forms of meditation two forms that are most preferred by population are:

1. Mindfulness meditation

This form of meditation has it’s the root in ancient Buddhist culture. In this form of meditation. We have to pay attention to our thoughts. This kind of meditation is for the busy population. It is useful for people who have to make many decisions throughout the day. It boosts our thought clarity, energy level. Resulting in better performance, productivity, and creativity.

2. Transcendental meditation.

This form of meditation is the most popular among the globe. You can call, it in sense the meditation of the modern era. Moreover, it is scientific. It is customizable. Form of mantra meditation and spiritual meditation together.

How to start meditation for beginners?

Meditation isn’t a very big deal to crack. What you need to do is to take it lightly. Just visualize the result of perfection and get started.

As a beginner, you should start to meditate for twenty- minutes. At begging some thoughts might distract you. Let them come in your mind and go. Don’t pay any attention to them. Later, you can extend your time like up to 60 minutes that is one hour.

At the, beginning you might feel it hard to sit in one place. To observe your thought pattern. Later, with the time you will get used to it. For, beginner you can do meditation in form visualization.

Visualize gratitude, performance, anything you wish. But; remember, only things that will take you the step closer to become a good human.

If you don’t get enough time and can’t give 20 minutes to meditation. Then as the word suggests.’ perform it for five minutes.’ I don’t. Try to wake up 10 minutes earlier and you would be used to it. Don’t compromise with your Brain wantings.

Ways to enhance meditation.

We can master meditation only when we will enhance it. We need to do many hits and trials to enhance meditation. Below are some successful hits and trials with assuring results.

Practice breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises prove to be an ideal way of getting yourself engaged in meditation. They will involve your body as well as your soul.

Genuinely, I have observed it. When we meditate in the form of breathing exercises. There is less chance to get distracted. Imagine, nothing in the world is taking place rather than breathing.

Choose the right place.

Sit in the right place, which is distraction-free. The place where no one is going to disturb you. The most demanding need is, the place needs to be comfortable.

Help, yourself to meditate for more time. Meditate even when it’s not perfect.
Decorate your office space or bedroom. In such a that it will provide you the tranquility to sit and rejoice meditation.

Add it to your morning routine.

Make it a ritual of your morning routine. Build the habit to meditate each morning.

The natural silence of the morning will bliss you with tranquility and concentration. Wake up early, wash your face, drink a lot of water, and sit for meditation.

If you will make it a habit to meditate in the morning, the rest day will be amazing. Meditating in the morning will bring you closer to yourself. It will reflect your thoughts.

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