How writing your goals can help you achieve them

If you want to be serious for a goal that you’ve set for yourself, it’s much more likely that you’ll follow through on that goal if you write it down. Writing your goal clearly at first will help you realize that what you’re trying to achieve have actual importance for you and you can commit to it for longer-term or not. The problem with the way most people write down goals is they just write down the name of the goal. They don’t write what they will commit every day or every week to achieve that goal. They don’t write the reasons behind actually achieving the goal. And how important the goal is for them.

On the other hand, a lot of people don’t even write them and keep them in their minds. Some are unable to keep track of the efforts they’ve made for a particular goal. Writing your goals can help you in achieving them if you write them in a clear way.

To write your goals in a clear way, you need to write your goal first. Then write what are the reasons and motivations behind that goal, which can keep you putting in efforts for a very long term to achieve that goal. You need to also write how much effort you’ll need to make to achieve your goal and keep track of those efforts.

I used to use excel sheets printed on paper earlier to keep track. Then I started using focus timers for the efforts that I put in. You can find the focus timer app on This focus timer app is built by us to make sure that it doesn’t provide any distractions and it has a feature for daily goals so that you can set it and make efforts for it daily.

Now, let’s see how writing your goals down can actually help you achieve your goals:

It gives you daily motivation to make efforts

When you write your goal down and paste it in a place where you can see it every day. You are much more likely to put in the required efforts for your goal. You will feel motivated every day for making efforts towards what you want to achieve. And looking at the goal every day reminds you of the reasons behind why you want to achieve the goal, which gives meaning to your efforts.

It inspires you to start

Doing the hard work on the later stages is not very tough as you will be in a rhythm already putting in the hours daily. But starting something, on the other hand, is really tough. Before starting something we tend to procrastinate and think too much. Yes, it happens to everyone before actually starting something and jumping into the process. Writing a goal down and looking at it daily will inspire you to start working towards it in initial stages and make it really easy to follow through on the commitments that you made to yourself.

You can reflect on what you’re doing

When you look at a written down goal. Which includes the reasons and motivations for that goal. You tend to reflect on what you’ve done till now in order to make progress towards it. You ask yourself what am I doing enough. And this process of reflection makes you work harder for your goal.

It will keep you focused

Writing down a goal will help you feel very focused on your goal. If you still think you’re moving in directions which takes you away from your goal. Make it a habit to get 5 minutes out of the day in the morning to actually write down the goal daily so that you’re focused throughout the day. This will help you make the right decisions every day which will move you towards success.

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