Home Journal How writing a Daily Journal can change your Life.

How writing a Daily Journal can change your Life.

by Ankit Arora

“Keep a Notebook. Travel with it, eat with it, Sleep with it, and Slap into it every stray thought that flutters up into your brain. Cheap paper is less perishable than grey matter, and Lead pencil marking endures longer than a memory.”

Jack London

“Who am I and what I intend to be??”
“Am I really trying to be a better version of myself?”
These are the questions that always come to my mind, and I guess if you analyze yourself, then these questions would undoubtedly come to your mind.

Sometimes I think deeply about what I should do to be the person I desire and what l need to do to be my best version. Then just to convenience my mind, I end in setting up some major life goals. This usual behavior shows that we are conscious of what we want to be, but somehow things don’t go in the correct order.

If you are someone like me who wants to get every tiny thing in life to be in the correct order, then I would suggest you write your self-evaluation every day in short, start writing your journal.

How to write your journal?

For straight forward individuals, it’s merely writing some text in a personal notebook or diary in regards to our goals, habits, achievements, relations, etc.

It’s our own personal choice of what to write in a journal. It can be anything as follows, depending upon the individuality of different individuals.

  • Doing their self-evaluation ( what are the good or bad things they did in the whole day)
    -Writing down certain things, they want to be done at the end of the day.
    -Keep track of their goals.
    -expressing their gratitude by writing things they are grateful for.
    -monitoring their fitness and diet goals.

But let me tell you that there are two categories of individuals who are writing journals specifically to track the progress of goals.

The first category includes individuals who wake up early in the morning and write to-do-lists in their journals and try to complete all the mentioned tasks by the end of the day.

The second category includes individuals who write what they have done all day.

If you are hardly chasing the goals and belong to the first category, congratulations, you are on the right track and wish you the best of luck to progress further.

And if you are also hardly chasing goals and practicing the second method, then that’s also good, but if you wish to overshoot your goal, then the first method will be ideal for you.
Let me tell you that writing all your primary goals for the day in the morning will help you to concentrate more on your goals. You will have the best mind-set throughout the full day without any sluggishness. And beyond all this, you will get to learn so much from your past mistakes. The only problem with the second method is that you somehow sabotage the feeling of being more enthusiastic.

Practicing the first method is like:

Dear past, thank you for the lessons. Dear Future, I am ready.

For goals and systems it’s like;

“A journal will remind you of your goals and actions. You are talking to them every day. You are writing down your goals, right?”

What are the benefits of writing a journal every day?
‘Today is the day”. Say this aloud to your heart and brain both. If you have not started writing a journal yet, then kick-start writing it from today because after reading its benefits, not a single power in the world will stop you from writing your own journal.

Writing a journal helps you to build well-defined and ambitious goals Wake up early as possible at least between 6 a.m. to 7 a.m., follow your morning routine, and make writing a journal a part of your morning routine, and I promise you will end up getting many benefits. It will take less than one minute for you to write your journal.

By writing a journal, you will be able to track the cons and pros of your habits. Your focus will be on improving your habits, which will ultimately lead to your path-breaking journey. By writing to do things, you will be able to overshoot ( to complete before the given time frame ) your goals, and as a result, your choices will be very well defined.

Journaling helps in building your personality

As said above, by practicing journal writing, you will be able to overshoot your goals, and this will lead to your increased confidence in your workplace, school, or even communication.

Realizing that,” yes, I am the most eligible person for any particular work “will always boost your confidence and progress.

And I think probably,” The person with absolute confidence and a big smile on his face has the most attractive personality.”

Journaling makes the individual more grateful about the prosperities he owns.

When individuals start to write about the things they are grateful for, they only understand how lucky they are to have those specific people, things, and relations in life. Feeling of gratitude towards both universe and life increases, which results in a happy life and dignified relations.

Gratitude and satisfaction are the keys to the doors of life full of happiness

Journaling helps to induce self-discipline in life.

Writing a journal of our own doesn’t only help build strong core habits but also focus more on goals, resulting in effective and efficient work. And as we all know that,” goals can be accomplished only by practicing self-discipline and patience.”

When you are including the habit of writing your own journal in your morning routine, then for sure you will push up yourself every day a little to complete your goals within a given time frame. And at the same time, it assures that you are following your morning routine and to follow that you are waking early. Because if you want to have a morning routine but don’t wake up in the morning, your life will be messy.

Journaling helps you to build an optimistic attitude.

Once you set up on your path to progress, you will be automatically introduced to you to a hidden, perfect individual in yourself. Individuals who have clear and well-defined goals. A purpose in life and, at the same time, magnificent habits to achieve your purpose.

I know ‘great things take time, but believe me, the time you have invested is worth you.’ ups and downs will always be in your life, but you will master the skill to smile those times also.

Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

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