How to stop dodging difficult problems in life

The world is certainly a challenging place. Things move at a much faster pace for most of the people to keep up with. All of us face a ton of problems on daily basis, some are conspicuous and some not so much. All of the things we go through can be overwhelming at times. There are people who keep dodging their daily life problems every time they confront one.

If you purposefully delay dealing with problems you face, it gets worse with every passing day. For that matter the unresolved problems compound on the successive problems. This way you will waste your entire life running away and not able to live your life. Here are some ways that can help you tackle your problems head on.

1. Acknowledge the challenge

It may seem absurd to people who are used to dodging the challenges, but it is a critical step. The purpose of acknowledgment is to make peace with the challenges that we face, to understand that problems are inevitable. For instance, you can look back into your past and realize that most of the good things that happened to you came with some sufferings.

Getting fit physically requires the pain of controlling the desire to binge eat, or in order to get a promotion, you have to work harder than the people around you. The point is that most of the things in your life has come at a cost and a bit of suffering. It is better for us to acknowledge our problems as early as possible. This way we can prepare and get comfortable with the otherwise uncomfortable challenge that waited for us.

2. Garner whatever social support you have

Social support is the most valued resource we have, and we are forgetting to leverage it with every passing day. There are times if you feel alone, just remember that there is a human soul who would be more than happy to help you in any way. Like highlighted before, we face tons of problems on a daily basis, and there is no such rule that you have to fight all of your battles alone. A lot of times we just keep fighting by ourselves and then there comes a point when we just get so overwhelmed that we give up and start running away.

Remember to garner the support that you already have from your loved ones, family members, friends, therapy, support groups. Do what you feel right so that you can eventually get the support that your are longing to seek.

3. Have a plan in place

It is very common to run away from the problem if you do not think if you have a solution to that problem. More often than not we get overwhelmed by the thought of not having the right plan or solution, it further makes us feel vulnerable and we start to dodge our problems. However, we tend to forget that we can set the right goals, and plan to overcome the existing problems. You can come up with a series of steps from which you can develop a course of action. The course of action can help you tackle the problem or find the required solution.

4. Evaluate your company

Your social circle plays a big role in determining how you deal with the problems you face. There are toxic people all around, they try to keep everyone to their level. Therefore, it is important that you audit the people you surround yourself with. Know that people who are there with you will help you in tough times and support you. Once you start doing it, you will come to the realization that a lot of people who are around you do not have your best interest in their minds.

5. Brace yourself for problems

Whenever you take a big decision that changes your life, like going for an MBA or switching job. You need to recognize the fact that they come with some challenges that you need to overcome. It is important to understand that it is your commitment that will take you the distance, people’s trust, and support are secondary. This is the reason why convincing family members to change a habit as smoking, fails. The bottom line being, when you make a decision, own up, recognize your strength and resilience to overcome the problem.

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