How to speak so that people want to listen.

In this extremely noisy world, have you ever felt, “I am speaking, expressing my opinions, and the person in front of me is just ignoring or is not listening.”  In the world that’s full of noise, it’s easy for our opinion to get deluged. I have been in such a situation many times. I thought many times, ’what could be the solution to  this problem?’ So, just two solutions came to my mind:

  1. Quit speaking in front of everyone. 
  2. Speak in a way that everyone wants to listen to. 

In the context of the first solution,  Early pioneers of feminist historiography,” Simone de behavior has quoted it right.

Man is talking animal and he will always let himself be swayed by the power of the word. Machines won’t change human nature.

We are after all the ‘Human beings’. The human animals with the power of the voice. Among all creatures, we are gifted with the power of voice. I hope including me, many people cannot give up public speaking. So, why not we go to the second solution. Why not we develop our speaking skills in such a way that, everyone listens to us. 

Speaking is a waste of time until someone listens to us. Here is ‘Julian Treasure’ for our help. Julian is a sound and communication expert whose mission is to help people and organizations to listen better and create a healthier and more effective sound, including speaking. 

7 deadly sins of speaking. 


Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. 

Speaking of ill of a person who is not present. Not a nice habit, but unfortunately many people engage themselves in such a kind of nuisance. Even, the gossip mongers know it perfectly, the person they are gossiping with will gossip about them too. For sure.

Being Judgmental. 

We all know, ‘ Nobody wants to listen to a person who is judging us.’ so, the same rule applies to the orator. We shouldn’t be judgemental about things, situations, and peoples. We should not talk in a way that the front person feels being judged. However, society has fostered the culture of judgment. 

Every individual who has done something exceptional has to face the judgment of others in the beginning. People appreciate them when they discover their path-breaking work. Society has been always ‘ Double-faced’ and it will remain so.

Negative thinking. 

Just change your negative mindset and people will be more interested to listen to your opinion, what you are saying. The less you respond to negative people, the more tranquil your life will become.  So, always remember, your response should never be negative. 

If you want to be an excellent orator, then cut down all the negativity from your life. Because what you narrate or speak is the expression of what you feel and think.

Complaining a lot.

Treasure said, ‘Complaining is the national art of the U.K ‘ But, here I would oppose the treasure’s statement. Complaining is not the art of the U.K only, but the whole world. In fact, of the whole humankind excluding some successful entities. 

Complaining is not only bad for our human voice but, also for our health too. When we complain a lot, the brain releases stress hormones that damage neural connection, decreasing overall brain function. 

Giving excuses. 

We all are always searching for opportunities for giving excuses. We have an excuse for every situation, every mistake. 

The individuals who are not willing to take responsibility for their actions, always cope with their mistakes by giving tones of excuses.


“[Exaggeration] demeans our language…. For example, if I see something that is awesome, what do I call it? And then, of course, this exaggeration becomes lying, and we don’t want to listen to people who are lying to us.” 

Sometimes in haste, of confusion, we tend to represent things better or worse than they are. This leads to the major dogma of being lied. 

When we confuse facts with opinions.

When we confuse facts with opinions then it results in dogmatism. When facts and opinions get conflated, you’re listening to the wind. We cannot say, there is only one way to view literature that is feminism. 

Before, we would move towards the solution and ways of effective speaking. I would like to tell you one more advice.

Speak with intention. 

Always speak with intention. The intention is the thought that shapes reality. Whatever, you intend to convey, just convey it without hesitation. People will understand it for sure, maybe a little later. 

When you are intentions are clear, neither you’re not afraid of silence nor you are afraid to speak your mind.most likely and surely, people don’t like to talk to people who don’t have clear intentions.

The foundation of good speaking 

Further, Treasure explains the four keystone principles that will help us to build the foundation of our well speaking. The four principles together form the acronym, HAIL. To which Treasure addresses as to greet enthusiastically which as he asserts, ‘ is how… our words will be received.”

They are: 

Honesty. Be clear and straight about your statements or about what you speak.

Authenticity. Be yourself. Present the real you.

Integrity. Be your word. Do what you say so that everyone will trust you.

Love. Always wish the good of others. 

Ways to be an excellent communicator.

Be a good listener.

The first step to being a good communicator is to be a good listener. If you are not a good listener then maybe you won’t be able to understand the other’s opinion. The benefits of being a good listener are many. A few of them are given below.

  • Improved relationships 
  • Greater trust.
  • Problem-solving.
  • A tranquil head
  • Boosted confidence
  • Briefer conversation

Being a good listener will help you to build great relationships, increase productivity and tranquility of life. 

Always be confident.

You should be confident about the things you are saying. The reflection of confidence should be manifested on your face. Speak in such a way that, people should be influenced by what you say. Don’t boost or overwhelm things, just put them into the correct position they deserve to be.  

The way you speak is equally important to what you speak. So, confidence will help you to nail the art of speaking. Speak calmly and deliberately, that will show your confidence.confidence allows you to speak concisely with clarity.

Make the listener feel important.

Have you ever wondered, “ Why people get attracted more towards orators?” or “ Why we are attracted to someone’s speech very easily?” That is so because they make their listeners the center of importance. 

We should speak in such a way that, the listeners would feel that they are important. They should be able to sense that listeners are only people that matter to orators.  


Treasure insists we can improve our communication skills by using the vocal toolbox to improve our speech. The way we speak and our sound influence our speech greatly. If we would focus on elements in the toolbox soon we will be great orators.


A deeper voice from the chest speaks with more power and authority than someone who speaks from the nose. Next time, focus on lowering your register and analyze your speech well.


Here, many will assume timbre which in studies is reportedly the level of loudness. In this context, timbre means the way your voice feels research concludes that people prefer voices that are rich, smooth, warm, and hot like chocolate.


People who attempt to speak everything in one note are hard to listen if they don’t possess prosody. And here only, the word monotonic comes from. 


We can get enthusiastic by saying something quickly, or we can slow right down to emphasize. We can pause to highlight the important facts but without using fillers like umm, ah. The above given are the tactical methods that authoritative speakers use. They are calm and deliberate while giving their speech.


Deliver your speech with utmost tranquility. Overpowering your voice that is speaking in loud sounds will often seem rude and controllable. Manage your tone and sound with changing situations.

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