How to make your job more exciting

Everyone I have ever talked to claim to want a job that’s fun and fulfilling. I am a staunch believer of the fact that we should try our best to engineer our work environment that is fun and let you live the way you want. Although, it can take years to tailor our work environment and achieve the right balance. However, there are certain tips you can follow to improve your work environment and make the job more exciting for yourself.

Before that there are two questions that you need to ask yourself:

  • Are you planning to stay at this job for long enough, so that your efforts prove worthwhile?
  • Are you willing to put in the required amount of effort so that your job isn’t just about earning the paycheck at the end of every month?

If the answer to the above questions is yes, then the following methods could help you go a long way:

Push yourself further

When we start a new job, we are thrilled to have everything that comes our way. With time when we do the same job over and over, we lose the exciting part of it. You can make the same job thrilling by making it a bit challenging for yourself. For example:

  • Making an expense report is a mundane job. Find a way to complete it quickly and efficiently. Track your time and see if you can beat your best time.
  • If you are a blogger, spend more time creating great content instead of going ahead with the ones that are just okay.

Sometimes boredom roots from complacency; you become comfortable with what is expected and decide to do nothing to do better or go over and above the expectation.

Seek help

A lot of times we find ourselves in the rut because we are too shy to ask for help. Always remember that no one has answers to all the questions. Therefore, you should not be afraid to ask for help from your seniors or supervisors. Do not wait until the last moment to ask questions. Make sure you are calm and ask questions in a thorough and thoughtful manner.

A lot of people think that asking questions will hamper the growth of their career but the truth is just the opposite. Asking pertinent questions catalyze your career growth and help you move forward. If your work environment does not provide a conducive environment for questioning, probably you are working in the wrong place.

Stop multi tasking

There have been multiple pieces of research in place proving that humans can not multi-task well. Albeit, we boast about this particular skill of multitasking a lot in our job interviews but the truth is we are never good at true multi-tasking.

A plethora of researches done on this matter suggests that by focusing on just one thing alone you will be able to siphon all your energy to that one task. You will be shocked to see how much work you are able to get done each day, the increase in the quality of output you are generating, how well you are able to communicate overall.

Look for a balance

If you are working day in and day out and are getting burnt out, you are hurting yourself more than helping. Take periodic breaks, see your friends after work, go outside more often, and set a bar to how many hours you spend at work.

Know that you are not moving forward in any way just by working for long hours. Your psychological, social well being, general fitness, and relationships are all connected to your productivity and attitude towards the work.

Use Pomodoro Technique

Focus Timers are essentially used for time management by a lot of people. It improves productivity by ruling out the scope of distractions and helping the practitioners focus better. Most of the users break down the total time into intervals, followed by a break. These sessions rotate regularly, and after some time the user can take a longer break (usually 30 minutes).

The technique typically uses a timer for the user to keep track of time and break the time into several intervals (traditionally 25 minutes in length). Each of the intervals, separated by brief brakes (of typically 3-5 minutes). Such intervals called a Pomodoro, Latin word for ‘tomato’.

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