How to leverage your sub-conscience mind

Do you remember the first time you sat behind the steering wheel of your car or the first time you picked up a musical instrument? Even if you were motivated or enthusiastic about it, the first attempt at these would have been terrible. But, it is just a matter of time, things start to become seamless and flow naturally. You need to put in relatively less energy and mental awareness to fetch the same kind of result as a long-held habit. It is the power of the subconscious and it drives a large part of your behavior.

What exactly is subconscious?

The famous Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud gave a three-stage mind model. He explained the three stages as:

  • Conscious: These are the thoughts and actions you are aware of. For example smell, touch, etc.
  • Subconscious: This is the state where actions and reactions are mostly automatic. You become aware of it when you think of it. For example, when you are driving a car, there comes a point you do not have to actively think of shifting gears and pressing a clutch before applying brakes.
  • Unconscious: This can be defined as our past experiences and memories which are not accessible to us. You recall them regardless of how many times you try. For example, remembering the first word as a baby or first time we crawled.

How to leverage your subconscious mind

I hope you totally understand the definition and meaning of the subconscious mind and understand the potential it holds. Now is the time we learn to leverage from it. We are cognizant that our sub-conscience mind can do wonders, but it is hesitant at times. Especially, when we try to take up something new. A lot of times we start picking up new habits and activities but after a point, we stop. You may have your personal reasons, but there are high chances that your thoughts originated from the subconscious.

Therefore, in order for you to leverage from the underlying power of the subconscious mind, you need to overcome some hurdles. You can do that in the following steps:


You know that your conscious and subconscious are linked. Your conscious thoughts can be looked up as seeds and your subconscious as the garden. Whenever we have a thought or even a desire, we sow a seed in the vast garden of our subconscious. It is the subconscious mind that let it grow further. We can catalyze this growth by asking relevant questions.

We can voluntarily fill our minds with the thoughts and desires of our choice and begin to ask questions. These questions can be like, what do you want in life? What are the goals you are aiming for? All of the thoughts we seed changes our perception of the outside world and dictate our actions in the real world. Therefore, it is imperative to feed your mind with positive vibes, peaceful thoughts, and joy.


It is good to maintain a positive attitude for nurturing your subconscious mind in your day to day life. Also, there is no denying from the fact that there will be challenges and hurdles no matter what. There will be setbacks and you will be pushed to your limits. But, it should not disincentivize you in any way. Believe your ability and stick to the plan. Having faith in yourself is the only thing that will take you out of problems to the road of glory.


This is what counts the most. Asking and believing are the planning and motivating factors, respectively. It is your actions that will give you the momentum and make you move forward. Just know that believing and actions go hand in hand and you have to keep moving no matter what.


This is the last of the four-step process. Stay open and receive what comes your way with open arms and embrace it. It is an important step and you will know why. The difficult part of any change is not the responsibility or the perks that come along. The toughest is to sustainably maintain that change in your life. Anybody, literally anyone can have a healthy body but it is just a few who are able to retain it throughout. Similarly, anyone can have a wonderful circle of friends and loved ones, but it is not much difficult to break all sorts of ties with them.

Remember your subconscious mind will always try to throw you to the normal or the comfortable stage. Receiving is the means of saying to your subconscious that this is the new comfort level.

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