How to increase gratitude?

Staying grateful always to everything that you have and everyone that you come across is one of the most common challenges that everyone faces. Well, developing the art being grateful is easier said than done. As humans, it is pretty common to complain about even the smallest flaws and imperfections that we sight.  But, one must always remember that everything that is created is imperfect.

Beauty always lies in imperfection. There is nothing called perfect that exists, and once you understand this, you are all set! The mantra has to be imbibed in your blood cells, which can help you develop gratitude towards everything and everyone.

In this write-up, we have made an effort to help you all get to understand the art of gratitude by listing down a few simple points. All these things are pretty easy to adapt and implement in your daily lives.

Remember the happy moments: It is always good to focus on the happier moments rather than unpleasant things. Brooding over the past and the sad moments would end up making you even sadder, and with this, you will start hovering towards the negative aspects.

Filling minds with unwanted thoughts is more comfortable, but pulling it back towards positivity can be quite challenging. When you focus too much on things that are not good, it becomes a habit to start complaining about everything that happens to you. So, this is one of the most essential points that one has to remember to develop gratitude.

Stop being picky: You must have come across too picky people. Such people might rub in their vibes to you as well. Also, when you start becoming picky, the only thing that catches your eyes first would be the flaws and the mistakes that others make. With this, you would stop focusing on the good things that these people do. By being picky with others, you will start to implement the same in your lives and forget being grateful. You would develop gratitude only when you learn to think with broad minds and accept people and yourself wholeheartedly.

Never be harsh on yourselves: Criticizing self is one of the major and the most common practices that everyone follows without fail. But does it make you feel good? Well, being born as a human gives you umpteen number of opportunities to mend your mistakes and improvise yourselves. Instead of that, a lot of them would end up cursing themselves and also the situations that they landed in.  

With every situation that has happened to you, there certainly has to be something positive. For instance, if you have not landed in the job that you have desired the most could be because of a better opportunity that awaits you. Instead of punishing yourself, it is wise to always sit down and review everything and take a close look at everything that happened during the process. By doing this, you would be able to enjoy every single moment with great satisfaction.

Stop comparing yourselves: This is one of the biggest blunders that a lot of people do ‘Comparison.’ Well, it is pretty nice to compare and measure things between two people, but that does not work out when you are focusing on developing gratitude. 

When you compare two things, you will become more jealous and might even start to hate people because of the qualities and the possessions they have. Jealous is undoubtedly part of the negative emotions which can slowly lead to resentment.

Also, with jealousy, you would never accept or appreciate anything that you have, and you would never be satisfied with anything, and that kills gratitude. Only when you start embracing every bit of you completely without comparing it with others, you are one step closer to gratitude.

Be thankful for everything: Being thankful for everything will make you feel grateful. An attitude of thanking everything and everyone would make you feel lighter in the heart. With this, you would undoubtedly become mindful as it radiates a lot of positive energy around and within you.  

Thanks for the pleasant surroundings that you are part of, thanks for the air that you breathe, offer thanks to the morsel of food that you eat, and be grateful to the Universe for giving you a fantastic opportunity to live.

Thanking everything and everyone comes by practice, and there’s a lot of effort required. As you start imbibing the art of thankfulness, you are certainly going to let go of complaining and being grateful comes to you naturally.

Box of gratitude: It is a fantastic idea to create either your journal or a box of gratitude. All you have to do is load them with entries that you love to be grateful for. This is one of the most commonly taught methods in almost all the mediation techniques. You can choose to review all those that you have written either monthly or annually. Once they are reviewed, you might decide to burn them down and allow the gratefulness to be filled everywhere.

Always learn to do the right things: When you are walking down the street and happen to pass by a beggar, do not blindly drop a penny or two in their bowls. Walk them down to the closest restaurant or buy them food instead.  You can even choose to be grateful to your people. Most commonly, taking parents and friends for granted is prevalent everywhere. Well, they are someone who deserves to be thanked more often than anyone else. So, if you want to develop gratitude, then home is the best place to start with.

All these things might seem to be extremely simple when you read them but, to apply, it requires a lot of discipline, dedication, and determination, and constant practice. By doing all this, you would be able to develop the art of gratitude easily.

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