How to foster a positive work from home culture

We are currently living in unprecedented times. Schools and colleges are just completely shut, research being slowed or stopped, corporate offices have shifted to “work from home“, and small and medium-sized businesses are on halt due to existing lockdown. It is absolutely normal if you are overwhelmed, with the current situation and the sudden changes taking place around us. However, with life at a halt, we must realize that we are in the respective critical points of our lives. As the world is relentlessly fighting against this pandemic each one of us is faced with the struggles of our daily lives. With personal and professional lives merging, it is getting more and more difficult to find the right balance.

Remote working can have serious impacts on your life- the feeling of isolation, disconnection, lack of motivation, and staying distracted for long hours. You can put an end to all these feelings by fostering a positive environment. The following are 5 ways that can help you create a positive environment for “Work From Home”.

1. Stay Connected

First thing first, there is nothing more important than proper communication between team members, when working remotely. It enables you to stay in touch, informed, and entertained. There are multiple online tools in place that can connect you with anyone. You can use messenger technology like Whatsapp, video conferencing like Zoom, and other workflow management systems. Use these tools to keep everyone informed with real-time updates. Most importantly it helps you to withhold the three most important pillars of the good corporate culture- Transparency, Openness, and Trust.

Make sure you do not limit the communication to just the serious stuff. It is important to give people the scope to communicate outside work. You can have a WhatsApp group for casual discussion or ‘Water cooler-chat’ and even have spaces virtual spaces where people can share memes and jokes.

2. Encourage employees to take leaves

You might think of work from home to be a blessing if you have just begun. For starters, you do not have to worry about the commute. But the flexibility and having a lack of proper work station can make you work for too long without switching off even by the end of the day. Fostering a positive work environment includes encouraging your employees to breaks more than the usual lunch-time breaks. It is important for everyone to take a leave from the commitment to their screens and work. Your reason for the leave could be anything, reading a book, or catching up with friends.

3. Engage outside work

Work social is something most of the employees look forward to and is considered to be one of the most exciting parts of any company’s culture. Therefore, these engagement programs are needed more than ever, since everyone is outside the office. You can host virtual social events like pub-quizzes, online fitness programs, and even after-work drinks. Just make sure none of these social activities are forced. Invite everyone from your team but do not make it compulsory.

4. Give special consideration to the employees with children

Schools are shut and there is no news of them opening anytime in the near future. It has become increasingly difficult to juggle between your professional commitments as well as child care. Make sure you foster such an environment where the employees with children have the flexibility and feel supported. Give your employees some paid time off and more flexible working hours. Let all for your employees know that it is okay if their kids interrupt a work call.

5. Make HR accessible to everyone

You should take some time out to work out making the HR team accessible. It is important that your colleagues talk to HR on a one-to-one basis. Since we are living in unprecedented times and many of your colleagues may not be taking it all well. It is just very important for them to have someone they can reach out to. Creating a safe space for all your employees is indispensable. From my personal experience, many of the employees are feeling lonely. They are in need of extra resources to stay productive while working from home. Therefore, making your HR team accessible will help you go a long away in building a great work culture for your company.

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