How to find happiness in things that actually matter

Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.

— Dalai Lama XI

There is a copious amount of literature including articles and books that promise to offer the secret of happiness viz-a-viz helps you reach your goals in life. Some conclude that it’s money that plays a role in the pursuit of happiness. Yet, research done on it shows that people are not happier after their primary needs are fulfilled and after they have a set basic income.

Now the question we are posed with is, what makes us happy?

According to research done by DoubleTree involving 2000 volunteers, it is the little things in life that make us happy. It also says that a lot of times the big events (Like moving house, marriage, having kids, etc) we think will bring happiness are not the source of true happiness as much as the small and often unexpected pleasures.

Following are some tips that can help you find happiness in the smallest of the things in life:

Keep expectations low

People who are never happy with what they have are less likely to be satisfied in life. Studies show that people who value contentment as their primary motivation are likely to be happier. We often set unrealistic goals with skewed deadlines. We expect highly of ourselves without addressing the practicalities. There are pieces of evidence that show that just 10 percent of our total happiness is derived from the external environment.

Cherish your work

For most of the people out there, the work that we do consumes a great chunk of our time. Happy people do not pursue their work for monetary rewards or the subsidiary fame it brings. Although, money is important it is just a part of your overall satisfaction on the job. Follow the career path you enjoy. A lot of us put our satisfaction on hold so that we can earn money for our families. You need to make your happiness a priority too. If you are living under poverty and do not have basic amenities to make ends meet, in that case, each penny will bring some essential resources and will make you happier. But, if you have a decent standard life and all your expenses are covered comfortably, more money has little or no effects on happiness.

Be social

Humans of all the animals are the most successful and a big reason for their success is their ability to socialize and co-operate in large numbers. The ability to socialize is wired in our DNA. There are dedicated neurons called mirror neurons that help us to reflect and recognize the behavior of each other. Happiness and love are cultivated in the company of others. Just by the mere thought of isolating ourselves from others, fill our head with negative emotions. Especially in today’s day and life, where we do not realize until a point of our loneliness because of the virtual world provided by social media. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to cherish the moments you spend with your loved ones.

Stop comparing yourself

The race to become successful is getting more and more fierce with every passing day. We start comparing ourselves with others out there, who are in the race with us. The comparison will cultivate the feeling of envy and make you unhappy. We very often get so engrossed in checking out the success of others that we forget our own path. Never forget that circumstances are different for everyone and comparison with others will, in all likelihood leave you hollow and miserable. In the virtual world of social media, a lot of entities fake their “happiness” for a plethora of reasons. No one is aware of their real plight. Never forget to chase your dreams and goals, enjoy the journey and achievements.

Develop a positive outlook

No tips will ever work for you to make you happy unless you have a positive outlook on our life. You must have an optimistic attitude towards things in general. If you are not one of those people who look at the glass half full, it will be difficult to switch. It requires work and frequent attention but is worth all of it. This small habit can be life-affirming. By just adding a twist of positivity, can change your life forever.

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