How to effectively set goals and evolve with time

Have you ever felt this way that you are sleepwalking through life? You don’t know where you want to be in the next 5 years, or you don’t know what you want to achieve at the end of each day. However, some of us do know where we want to be or what we want to achieve, but we don’t know how to get there.

That’s why goal setting is important. Our goals are the foundation stones of any future plans we make. It plays a vital role in the development of skills in various areas of life. Be it work-life, relationships, or anything in between the two.

Why is Goal Setting so important?

There is a plethora of evidence, to back the claim that goal setting itself is a great way to be productive in life. All the world-class leaders, businessmen, and athletes, all set goals. It acts as great fuel to steer you through your subsequent plans. Gives you a long term vision to achieve great heights and short term motivations to get over through tough days. It orients you to acquire more and more knowledge and helps in organizing your time and resources so that you can make the most of your life.

By having clearly defined goals in place, you can boost your confidence as you are able to see, measure your achievements, and know that it is worth the grind. It also helps in recognizing your abilities and competence in achieving the set goal.

5 Rules of Effective Goal Setting

1. Setting Goals that motivate you

Goals hold a very special and unique place in everyone’s life. You can not have multiple goals that you can’t even focus on. Therefore, you should select goals for yourself, that motivates you. In other words, what goal you have set for yourself should be important to you and there has to be value addition in them. The outcome you are looking forward to should be attractive and should pull you towards it. That is why it is commonly said that you should have an entire picture of what you expect from the outcome in mind. If you are barely interested in the outcome, you are less likely to put in hard work towards reaching your goals.

Another thing is that you should only set goals that relate to high priority in your life. Without this type of focus, you can end up with far too many goals. If you set too many goals, even those which aren’t a high priority, you will be left dejected.

2. Set S.M.A.R.T Goals

This one is very popular and there are high chances you have heard about SMART goals already. It stands for

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time Bound

In order for you to know if your goals are as per the SMART framework, you may ask yourself the questions that I am going to add in the following sub-headings.

Setting Specific Goals

If goals are not well defined or are vague in nature, it is difficult to chase them. Always remember that goals should be like a lighthouse that shows your direction. Defining the goal precisely is the key, it helps you reach exactly where you want to. The key is to define it in an easy and elaborate way so that it is easy for you to navigate.

To know that your goals are specific, you should follow the 5 ‘W’ questions:

  • What: What exactly do I want to achieve?
  • Who: Who is/are involved in this?
  • Where: Where exactly is this goal to be fulfilled?
  • Why: Why this goal?
  • When: When do I want to see my self overcoming this goal?

Set Measurable Goals

There is a famous saying in the field of management, “You can only manage something if you can measure it”. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you add the exact date and amount in your goals. It helps you measure the degree of success. Enables you to take timely feedback looking at change from when you started. At the same time, if you are able to see the success in whatever you are doing, even the slightest, it motivates you to continue further. To know if your goals are measurable, ask:

  • How much or how many of whatever you are doing?
  • How would I know if I have accomplished what I wanted to?

Set Attainable Goals

The goals that you set should be in the purview of your reach. A lot of times distant goals fancy us, but that doesn’t mean you straight away start running for those. For instance, if you want to run a marathon, you just don’t straight away wear your running shoes and sign up for one. You start with walking, jogging and then when you think you are ready, you start with it. If you start right from running a marathon it is most likely that you will fail and then give up. It also doesn’t mean you set goals that are too easy and that doesn’t help you push your limits. By setting a realistic and attainable goal you hit the right balance. To know if your goals are Attainable, ask:

  • Is the Goal even in my scope of reach? if not why or what can I do about it?
  • Has it ever been accomplished by anyone else before?

Set Relevant Goals

Always have a clear vision of what you want to make of your life. The goals you set should propel you in the same direction. It will help you keep the right amount of focus you need and accelerate your career and life on the right path. This is the part where you ask yourself why you are running behind the goal. If this goal is an incremental step of your life or this is your goal just because of some external pressure. Therefore, it is important to know the relevance or otherwise, you will just be like the dog who chases the passing cars. To know if your goals are Relevant, ask:

  • Is the goal relevant and within reach?
  • Are your goals adding to something greater?
  • Do you feel lost while you accomplish your goals?

Set Time Bound Goals

Your goals should always have a definite and fixed deadline. It means you will know when to celebrate your success. Also. working with a deadline brings up a certain sense of urgency. This helps in achieving said goals quickly. For instance, if my goal is to lose weight; I will take Gym membership at the nearest gym from my place by 1st August. I will work out for at least 5 days of the week. My goal will be to reduce 1 kg every 2 weeks. I will realize my goal if I lose 2 kgs of weight every month. To know if your goals are time-bound, ask:

  • Is the deadline existing?
  • By when do you want to reach the summit?

3. Write down your goals

This one is a little cliched and something that most of us probably have heard of. The simple physical act of jotting down your goals (preferably on a physical paper) makes the goal tangible. We a lot of times while setting goals do not realize that the goals that we set in our heads, are not rooted in reality and there are parts that are intangible. Our goals have voids that we often fail to see in our heads. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to write your goals down so that you are left with no excuse for not paying due diligence.

One tip here is that always use the word “will” in the place of “might” or “would”. Next time you set a goal you write it like, “I will bring an increment in the net sales by the end of this financial quarter” and not “I would like to bring an increment in the net sales by the end of this financial quarter”. You can see what both goals sound like. The later one clearly lacks the reflection of passion and determination, simultaneously leaving scope for you to get sidetracked.

Following are 2 tips for you to effectively write down your goals:

  1. Always write your goals in a positive tone: Frame the phrase of your goal(s) in such a way that it should motivate you. Let’s say instead of writing “I will reduce by employee burnout”, you should write “I will work on my employee’s work satisfaction and welfare”. The first is just a dodging statement from an unpleasant scenario but the later one is motivated and positive.
  2. Have your goal on the top: If you write a journal make sure you mention your goal on the top. It creates a positive impact on you subconsciously. Or, if you use a to-do list, make the template of the list as such that you mention yous goals frequently and can assess your actions are in the right direction.

Once you have your goals written make sure it is visible to you every day. Put them on your wall, on the corner of your dresser’s mirror, desk or refrigerator so that it is constantly reminding you.

4. Translate your Goals in action

All of the things that you have learned about goal setting will be nothing but a waste if you don’t convert it into action. You can’t make a tangible SMART goal and then sit back so that it completes itself. Albeit, not a lot of people add this point in the process of goal setting. When we set a goal we are mesmerized with the outcomes that we often forget to create an action plan. It is important you create a blueprint of individual actions for reaching your goals. Crossing each step off as you complete it, you will realize that you making progress towards your ultimate goal. This is imperative if you have a massive and demanding long term goal.

5. Stick with it

Always remember that Goal Setting is not just a means to an end but an ongoing activity. Build your external environment in a way that it should constantly remind you of your end goal and keeps you motivated.

Fix intervals to take feedback of the action plan, if its working or not. Review your goals on a regular basis. Your long term may remain the same over the years but you have to make sure that you are updating your plan of action towards it, with a changing environment. You have to employ deep tactics to accomplish your goals successfully. Not just that, you need to evolve yourself with the goals you set. You are an actor, acting towards your goal. You let it flow in you, change you in a constructive manner.

The Final Thought

Goal setting is the most important aspect of all improvement and personal development plans. It is the key to all fulfillment and achievement.

Paul J. Meyer

Here, I will just leave you with a set of five questions that will help you think about setting goals better:

  1. Where do you want to see yourself in the next 1, 3, or 5 years?
  2. What makes you happy?
  3. How you can add value to the world?
  4. What can you do to achieve your life or professional goals?
  5. What change do you want to see in you and the world around you?

If you pay enough attention to these questions and mull over, it is likely that you will have a better perspective with respect to the direction you want to head in. With the answers to the said question, you will be able to see a picture of yourself. It will be just about the time that you build your plan of action accordingly and you are able to reach the end goal. Not to forget, the race towards your goal will include obstacles. You should try and factor all the impediments you can foresee. Obstacles and getting stuck are inevitable and a part of a greater learning experience in life. Hence, we should embrace and work through, instead of getting demotivated or losing our will to achieve our goals.

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