How to dodge digital distraction and be an effective learner

Gone are those days when it used to take time to know about things taking place on the other end of the world to reach you. The world we are a part of is inevitably becoming smaller and smaller. It can all be attributed to mobile phones, computers, and social media. You must be thinking that it is good that the world is literally becoming more accessible. Who would not want to know the volatility of your industry soonest possible or be available to their loved ones right when they want it.

The truth is using technology all the time has a huge setback. It prevents you from working towards your set goals, be more productive, and learn what you thought you would. One thing that you are aware of is the fact that time is a limited resource and we all struggle to manage it. Therefore, you should not let time get exhausted.

Now the question arises is what can we do to minimize our “social distraction”. And also increase our power to gain focus. The following are some essential tips that you may find useful to keep up with your learning.

Find your “best time” of the day

Remember the time when you decided you would learn something new after work hours. Then, you must be able to recall that you had no willpower to start with, later the same day you decided. All the little things deplete your will power right from the time you enter your office.

In order for you to get out of this cycle, you need to find out the time when your willpower is at the peak. For me, and most of the people I know, it is the morning that has the most reserve of will power. Regardless of the fact if you are a morning person or not, your brain will be at its best right when you get up in the morning. You will be able to be more creative, focus better, and will have the highest reserve of willpower.

Turn off your social media notification

This one is no brainer and you can not deny the fact that you do not see this coming. The catch is, after knowing all of how many of us follow this. Just like in the office environment we often get irritated by nagging colleagues dropping by at our desk every 10 minutes, the same is with these notifications. The only difference is that you can turn the notification from your laptop or phones off. Every time the screen of the phone kept on your desk wakes up, you have that urge to pick it and check the phone despite knowing that it is absolutely irrelevant. By just a simple act of turning off your notification can make you less likely to look on the screen of your phone every few seconds.

Leave all your devices well before bedtime

Almost all the devices we are exposed to or own comes with a savvy screen. Most of us have these screens in all the parts of our house from the living room to the bedroom. The blue light emitted from these illuminated screens hampers the production of melatonin (a hormone known as the darkness hormone, which gives our brain signals when its time to sleep). Tonight, when you go to sleep, try switching off all your devices and leaving them out of your bedroom, at least an hour before you sleep. Instead, you can write a gratitude journal or read your favorite book while on the bed. Another great thing you do before you go to sleep is practicing meditation and mindfulness. A lot of us, lately, have forgotten to live in the moment and fail to acknowledge it in its entirety.

Let others know that you won’t be available

We are sometimes apprehensive of telling this to people, thinking that we might come across rude. The truth is and I personally have experience in doing so, people respect when you tell them that you are busy. I have personally tried this with my clients, bosses, friends, and family members. All of them without exception have understood and respected by the problem. I am sure, if you will do it, you would get the same result. In case, there is someone who tells you to be available to all the messages, call and email all time, you should rather take some time out and think if that person deserves to be in your life.

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