How to boost your productivity, if you are not organized?

Productivity is the deliberate, strategic investment of your time, talent, intelligence, energy, resources, and opportunities in a manner calculated to move you measurably closer to meaningful goals.

Dan. S. Kennedy.

In, today’s world every single person is working harder. Be it to develop the skill, art, career, business, lifestyle, and relations. Every individual is working hard at their own pace.

So, have you ever wondered, why is this barrier between? The barrier of money, talent, skill, time, and lifestyle. Some people have reached the peak of their life within a few years and some are struggling yet.

All are working so hard, so, why are some drowning in the ocean of life?. While some are going with ease. Many would think, the buoyancy of the sea would me more. The ocean current would be slow. As we consider luck, opportunity factors in life.

Let, we make it clear, the barrier is productivity.

What is productivity?

Classically, productivity is the state or quality of being productive. In terms of economics, it is the ratio between the output volume and volume of inputs.

Productivity is a key source of economic growth and competitiveness. Productivity is directly proportional to profits, stability, and peace at the same time.

It is about completing tasks in less time with less effort. Especially, it’s time to work smart and not hard.

If you are the individual, especially the beginner who is not organized all, then the following life advice is boon for you. Hope you get them the right way, To go ahead in your life.

‘Every second of life is golden, so, use it wisely to glorify your life.’

Simple and effective strategies to increase productivity in life.

Being more productive is not rocket science. It is easy if you follow some rules.

1. Track and limit time.

Time tracking helps you to analyze the actual time you give to work. At the same time, it helps us of identity where and in what ways we are wasting the time.

We often waste our precious time and proudly address it as # ‘ guilty pleasure.’ But, it doesn’t make any sense. So, make sure that we don’t waste time in seeking any joy that will prove out to be future regret.

Tracking and limiting time will help you to make your time more productive. At the same time, it will provide you with the gist to prioritize your important and challenging tasks.

Tracking time will increase focus, attention, and performance, both at personal and professional levels.

Create a detailed task list with every minor detail and only focus on it. For, this purpose you can do activities like.

  • Bullet journalism.
  • Habit tracker.

2. Quit multitasking.

Many claim that they can do many tasks at a single time. But; believe me, it’s a myth. People can only do, they cannot focus. They can complete the task, but; they cannot focus on it and put in the full potential.

Concentrate on a single task at a time. Multitasking reduces our productivity as well as wastes our precious time.

For example, I have noticed many classmates. They will read and make notes at the same time. It’s like they will take input and give output at the same time. And later, they will wonder, “why I am not good at this?”

3. Take regular breaks.

You can’t be always working at optimum productivity. After all, you are a human, not a machine. Take regular breaks to boost your energy level.

Divide your hour in an interval, say work of 50 minutes and a break of 10 minutes. For, some it may seem that 50-10 rule is not so excellent. According to your capacity, you can extend work and minimize your break.

Taking break refreshes the mind, and replenishes your mental resources.

Benefits of taking break interval in work are:

  • Breaks prevent decision fatigue.
  • Break restore motivation, for long term goals.
  • It increases productivity and creativity.

Things to do in the break to replenish our motivation and energy.

  • Stretch your body.
  • Take a walk.
  • Meditate.
  • Listen to pleasing music.
  • Take a power nap.
  • Connect with nature.

4. Wake up early.

Many people find it hard to digest the fact that, morning is the most productive time of day
. Every individual has a different circadian rhythm. Some have their productivity level at the peak in the night.

But; believe me, Morning has some magical forces. Wake up an hour before the others do. You will soon feel more disciplined and productive.
You will be more energetic throughout the day. It is because you have started your day the right way.

5. Build a morning routine.

How we begin our day has a tremendous impact on how the rest of the day seems to go. It is one of the important aspects of self-care. Morning is the correct time to pamper our soul and body both.

Have some solid morning rituals and habits, that will help to maximize your creativity throughout the day.

If you wish, to know more about the way you should adopt a healthy morning routine then, check out the following link:

6. Avoid procrastination.

Procrastination means the action of delaying and postponing something.

Avoid procrastination in terms of work means don’t delay any task that you are just near accomplishing. Always push yourself a little bit. Because little altogether results in huge.

I know there are many distractions around us, but don’t let them distract you.

For example, we are to quit just 10 seconds before one minute of exercise finish. When you will feel exhausted, Visualise the result of what you are doing. Visualize the perfection of your task. Your visualization will help to motivate for the long term.

7. Have a positive attitude.

A positive attitude is bliss. It gives optimism to live life. A positive attitude helps you to cope with your personal and professional affairs more easily.

To build a positive attitude practice the following rituals:

  • Be grateful. (Practice gratitude journalism)
  • Build high self-esteem.
  • Give a helping hand.
  • Keep smiling.
  • Be kind to others.
  • Use positive, uplifting words.
  • Hang out with positive people.

8. Reward yourself.

Every individual who did outstanding work is legible for reward and appreciation. So, why not you? If you are working hard then, you too deserve a reward.

So, why not reward yourself? Reward yourself after every achievement. It will help you to remain motivated and enthusiastic throughout your journey. And when enthusiasm and motivation are at a peak, it will lead to increased productivity.

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