How much can you achieve in 25 minutes

25 minutes are really fast and easy to pass by, you might watch a TV show or half of it, maybe looking at the emails, watching something on Netflix or playing games on your smartphone. Though if you have a goal to achieve, If you are trying to create something. Then 25 minutes is all you need to get started. The Pomodoro technique divides your work into sets of 25 minutes with short and long breaks in-between. You can start working towards your goal and it won’t seem big enough. As time is divided in 25-minute chunks, it’s really easy to focus and go through. So, what can be achieved in a Pomodoro session which can have a large impact?

In the morning

  • A Meditation Pomodoro of 25 minutes will make you calmer and more focused for the whole day.
  • A workout in the morning will keep you Energised for the whole day and will help you with weight loss or muscle gain.
  • Making nutritional food in a set of 25 minutes for your whole day gives you a great diet. It will also keep you away from Junk.
  • Positively Change someone’s life by mentoring them. Also, it will keep you satisfied for a long time.

While working

  • Listen to an audiobook, which expands the horizon of your thinking, And introduces you to new possibilities.
  • Learn something new about your career, which will help you in achieving your career goal.
  • Learn new skills to work better on your business or job.
  • Set your goals to focus better for the rest of the week.
  • Make a checklist of work to be done today.

Post Work

  • Get a massage session to relax your body and mind.
  • Write Thank-you notes for your family and people who helped you today. It will help you and they feel better and be happy.
  • Write a journal, Reflect on your day today, about what made you happy and what made you sad. It will help you improve and become a better person.
  • Write a checklist of what you want to do tomorrow, it will help set up the next day with clarity.

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