How can Emotional Intelligence help you be more productive

Intelligence, typically and even historically as a term, reminds you exclusively of the abundance of knowledge and higher cognitive ability. Now, there is another kind of intelligence, of equal significance that has been there for quite some time now. That is Emotional Intelligence (EI). Emotional Intelligence is an ability to read, feel, and respond to emotions, within oneself and in others. It is a phenomenal quality that does not just make your interpersonal relationship stronger but also holds the potential to make you more productive. EI, in recent years, has become a significant area of research in the business world. Now, let’s learn more about emotional intelligence and how it can positively impact your productivity.

Why is Emotional Intelligence so important?

We see people around us who can build phenomenal careers for themselves at the same time can manage their relationships and personal life, exceptionally well. They are the kind of people who are top-guns in everything. Be it business, raising kids, leisure, their jobs, or any other area of life. These people have highly developed emotional intelligence. They are quick and better in realizing their goals and purpose. A better understanding of the feelings of others enables them to respond appropriately. It makes them faster; also they tend to be better communicators and can build relationships with people on different levels.

In my perspective, EI manifests itself in the following 3 dimensions in any individual:

  • Awareness and Regulation: Firstly, there is an introspecting side of EI. It enables the person to recognize, analyze, and follow the consequences of various things/actions. This can be done by asking yourself the right set of questions.
  • Empathy: Secondly, it allows you to put yourself in other people’s shoes. It enables you to connect internally and deeply with the emotions of the other person. Consequently, making them understand the other person’s emotions and realize who they are as people.
  • Social Skills: EI equips you with better social skills. You can connect with people emotionally, understand their point of view. You can regulate your responses as per the audience (you are catering to). And figure out “the right things” to say in almost every situation.

How to develop Emotional Intelligence for better productivity

1. Educate yourself more on Emotional Intelligence

Learn the concept of EI to understand its relationship with productivity and success. There are multiple books published on Emotional Intelligence and its use cases. For starters, you may read Salovey, Mayer, and Goleman. Also, another exciting way to internalize this concept is by taking seminars on the topic.

2.Test your Emotional Intelligence

Take a test to find out where you stand on the scale of Emotional Intelligence. It will help you identify your standing and best are, which allows you to learn your behavior in questionable matters.

3.Listen to TED talks and Podcasts

Listen to motivational TED talks and inspiring Podcasts. It will help you to boost your emotional intelligence. You may choose courses, articles, and seminars that could inspire you and offer insights on being more productive.

4. Try to be more socially responsible

Demonstrating social responsibility is one of the major signs of a high level of Emotional Intelligence. Donating to charity, involving yourself with social work or volunteering, or contributing to others in any way. Don’t hold on to this because you have to, rather have your intentions clear.

5. Pay attention to your external environment

Taking care of your external environment may involve tweaking your physical space, primarily where you work. Making the lighting ambient and suitable, having the right temperature and coziness of the workplace. This can help tremendously to focus on work in a much more efficient manner.

Now What?

There is a common misconception among people. That is, they start hoping for good things to happen right away. You should try and focus on developing emotional intelligence, the same way you commit to your hard skills. EI is a little different. You will not see in an instant change in yourself right away. The growth of Emotional Intelligence requires both time and commitment.

A common mistake that people do is that they start expecting their relationships and productivity to skyrocket. If you are persistent and are following the tips mentioned above, you will likely succeed. At some point and definitely not very far in the future. You will see significant changes in your self-awareness and the way you manage relationships viz-a-viz being more productive.

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