How a little “Me Time” improves your productivity

Taking care of ourselves is a crucial part of living a full life

“Me Time” is one thing that you often hear people speak about and lament that they do not have any. Making time for yourself, the first priority is a tough thing to do, especially when you have seemingly never-ending responsibilities and to-do lists of family and work.

We, humans, as a race have done a phenomenal task and have taken a great leap in terms of making the world a smaller place in the past few decades. The entire world has become a place of convenience and there are a lot of things to be grateful for. But all of it comes with a downside. In this fast-moving world, we have forgotten the importance of self-care.

Why is the “Me Time” important

We live in a world full of distractions and more often than not, we get interrupted by one thing or the other. All the things including the copious amount of gadgets that we keep with ourselves, eat from our limited share of attention, destroying our ability to focus on our self.

If you are able to keep a fixed share of time aside, without thinking twice, you will gain clarity to see larger things in life. You will regain your focus back and will be able to identify what is important for you and what is not.

Interestingly the “me time” doesn’t have to be solitary and it can boost your productivity in a lot of ways. Let’s see how:

Focus on what is important

We know of people who have goals and various aspirations in life but they never have time to seize them. It is very important that you take some time for yourself to reflect on your priorities. Plan how you would want to spend your time. People who begin their day with a plan have a significant advantage over others. If you have your priorities for the day mapped, you are less likely to fall into someone elses.

There are simple methods that can help you focus on your priorities. One such method is the 2+8 prioritization system. In this, you are expected to set 2 objectives that you have to accomplish no matter what and set eight other tasks related to these that you will try to complete. However, it is important to have a plan in place right from the beginning of the day, or the least important things will take over your day.

Take the “Me Time” as an opportunity to unwind

We, humans, are hard-wired to look for threats in our environment. We perceive these threats to be more important than they are in reality. Scientists say that this is why our ancestors were able to survive on the grounds of savannah for thousands of years. The fact in today’s reality is, that the dangers that used to surround us then, no longer exist. We are still pre-programmed to avoid any and every danger we see around us. The media organizations know the fact that sensationalized news sell. So much is happening in this world, it is not difficult to get caught up in this drama. The truth is that there is barely any chaos that surrounds us have any real impact on us.

In conclusion, remember to give yourself some time every day to jump off the fast-paced cycle of the world. Be aware of the things that need your attention and things that do not.

Make your “Me Time” a non-negotiable part of your day

Schedule a fixed set of time. It could be anywhere between 20 minutes to 1 hour. Put it in your calendar, you may tell it to people who are around you most of the time. You must not allow anyone to take this time away from you. Use this time to plan your day, read books, or just get some fresh air without distractions.

It is not at all easy to make your “Me Time” as a non-negotiable part of your life. Therefore, You will have to learn to find time for yourself. Let your mind wander, gain perspective, and enjoy little things in life. If you practice “me time” for just a few days, you will inevitably notice a difference in you. How you look at things, you will be more focussed and your productivity will shoot up.

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