How to have more self-discipline

Self-discipline is hard to achieve for anyone, yet without self-discipline achieving any sort of big goal or success is almost next to impossible. Everything good in life comes with a lot of hard work and struggle. Having self-discipline is tough because you have to have control of yourself. Controlling oneself is a very tough task and should not be taken lightly. It’s very hard to stop small temptations that come to your mind, like having that one little ice cream scoop when you’re trying to lose weight. Or watching that 20 minute TV show when you’re preparing for an exam. But as you become more and more disciplined and have control over yourself. Your impulses and feelings will no longer dictate the course of life that you’re taking. As a result, you tend to perform well, and slowly become more productive for whatever you’re trying to achieve.

It’s tough to be self-disciplined, but there are things you can do to achieve a better degree of self-discipline. I believe that after following these tips, you will be able to develop the willpower needed to control your impulses.

Work on one habit at a time

Working on one habit at once keeps things simple. And when you build one habit, it works as an anchor for other good habits to come into your life. The habit can be as small as making your bed in the morning or cooking your own food in the morning. Taking it one habit at a time also keeps it much easier to do. You need to perform the task daily at the same time until you start doing it naturally every day without making an effort to get up and start.

Know that it’s you who’s going to change

Self-discipline doesn’t get affected by external factors as much as it’s affected by internal ones. Realize that if you’re not doing what you want. It’s you who are not putting the hours in and no one else. You can’t have someone else develop discipline for you. You need to be conscious that it’s you who need to put in the efforts. And once you realize the fact that you’re the one who needs to make efforts, you start doing stuff without depending on external efforts.

Take up only habits and goals which you won’t give up

Set only goals and habits which you know you have reasons behind to follow through, don’t take up goals and habits without analyzing them completely. Analyze how they’re important for you and will they be important for you in the long term or not. Write them down and then look at them daily. It’ll give you motivation and reasons to continue what you’re doing daily. Trying to form habits on a whim is a sure way to fail. As you won’t have enough motivation to follow through and be self-disciplined about them.

Focus on starting things

Starting something is the hardest part of doing something, we often tend to not start working for something and we continue procrastinating about it. We think that finishing things is the hardest part, but from what I’ve realized is that finishing things is the easier one as the momentum itself takes you towards the finish line. To have the courage and willpower to start is the most important. And to have that motivation to start what is needed daily is what the essence of self-discipline is.

Keep track of what you do

Keeping track of what you do for your goals is a great way to gain momentum and motivation for continuing the habit and have self-discipline. When you reflect on what you did every day at the end of the day, you realize and make efforts to do better tomorrow. And when you have the data supporting you that you’ve been performing the task without fail daily, from say like last 30 days. This momentum is going to carry forward and provide you with the energy to go on with that task daily.

Use a habit tracker

Using a habit tracker app can help you track your habits daily or weekly. It can help you get quick feedback about how you’re doing with your daily goals. It can also keep track of your statistics and momentum. And adding to this it can also remind you to do your tasks every day at a specific time that you like. Who thought phones can be useful. You can use the search term Habit tracker on play store and app store and you’ll find many options.

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