Habits that will help you get a headstart everyday

We know that our whole day is a reflection of our morning routine or mood. The tone set in the morning will determine the tone for the rest of the day. Therefore, the first few minutes after you open your eyes/ wake up in the morning can set your day with positive/productive energy or it makes your day the worst. You must have noticed that when your morning starts with snoozing your alarm, skipping breakfast, forgetting things, and rushing for work, your rest of the day will be full of chaos. So, you have to follow good ways to start your day, when you start with healthy habitual behaviors in the morning, you come up with a fully successful day.

The following are the best ways to have a better morning:-

Wake up early

Early risers grab many benefits as they get plenty of time for introspection and getting yourself in the right frame of mind. You can think of what level of motivation you will get when most of the world is still sleeping and you start running for your goals. Think, you have done many things until your competitors wake up and start their day. Early risers can make their morning routine in a calm and leisurely manner instead of rushing fast for their work while leave or skipping many things behind. Early morning hours are somewhere quiet hours in which you can peacefully think and can make good decisions. This way you can get an early start to achieve your goals. Waking up early will also help to follow the other below listed practices easily.

Drink warm lemon water

Drinking a glass of water in the morning helps you to keep your body hydrated. It is an Ayurvedic technique to add lemon in warm water. Taking lukewarm water with lemon helps you in many ways as it cleans and stimulates your liver and kidneys, it provides you with a good amount of vitamin c, alkalizes your body, freshens your breath, etc. Try to use a straw to drink your lemon water in the morning to protect your teeth from the acid of lemon.

Plan your day

A good way to start anything is to make the best plan for it and implement. Same goes with your day too, you should make the best plan of what you want to do for your day. You can make your plan a day before or in the morning so that you should be clear of what you have to do. Prioritize what is most important just because sometimes you will not able to do everything you scheduled and do not forget to add breaks also.


Starting off your day with good movements energies the body and freshen up your mind. Muse writer Kat Moon says that ‘‘the science-backed exercise tip will increase your mental processing speed.” Find what kind of exercise is good for you and schedule it in your morning plan. In beginning you do not have to go for an intense or long workout, you just have to do some sort of good physical activity/moments which help you to get your blood flowing and help quiet any mental chatter, like stretching, walk, push-ups, sit-ups, etc. It will help you to gain self-control and releases GABA that makes your brain feel smooth.


You should start your day with meditation as it improves your focus and emotional stability, it helps to release down your stress level. It trains your mind and influence how you should react to challenges throughout your day. You can also make great decisions for the life you want truly want to live and also get clear on how you want your day to go.  You should go ahead for simple meditation in the morning, you will surely feel good and satisfied. For example

  • Sit in a comfortable position
  • Close your eyes and try to focus on your breath
  •  Inhale through your nose for 4 counts, retain for 4 counts and exhale from your nose for 8 counts
  • Every time you feel distracted or thinking about something else, bring it back to your meditation
  • Do this for at least 3 times
  • After doing all the times, release your count and stay seated and your eyes close for a moment. Slowly-slowly open your eyes

Eat healthy breakfast

Healthy breakfast is the most important meal of the day, by word healthy you should understand that your breakfast contains enough amount of protein, whole grain, fats which help you to remain fit. A healthy breakfast helps you to live disease-free also as it controls your sugar level, improves short-term memory, blood pressure. If you had a healthy breakfast at right time you will be more focused and concentrate on your work. You will be less hungry throughout the day and have more energy.

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