Feeling of being connected with the world

Staying connected with the world becomes quite chaotic especially when one is surrounded with people and things that can interfere more than anything with your lives. Escaping from all these things can be quite easily possible in the name of Meditation, Yoga, and Dhyana but, staying free of thoughts irrespective of any circumstances and people is more important than anything else. 

Feeling of being connected with the world can only happen when one thinks of staying free and also surrounding themselves with people and things that make them happy. With the cutting-edge technology, Social media, mobile phones, parties, hectic life at work and home, video games, and many other things have probably become an inseparable part of everyone’s life. 

One must still learn to seek peace from within and stay connected to the entire Universe being amidst all these pandemonium. Through this article, we are going to learn a few important tips and techniques that can help you to unleash the simplest ways to stay connected with the world at all times.

  • Take a nature walk:

    Staying close to Mother Nature can help you to discover a different you altogether. The sound of the waves, the chirping of the birds, and the soft grass under the ground can all invoke a great sense of happiness. Nature walks are similar to meditation and this is one of the best times to introspect and clear off all the unwanted thoughts running on your minds.

    This is one of the best ways to get grounded as well. Once, you ground yourself you would never be drawn towards any unwanted thoughts. Hence, staying closer to nature is one of the easiest ways to connect with the world within and outside too.
  • Surround yourself with positive people:

    This is one of the most important things that you need to follow when you want to stay fully connected with the world.  Positive thoughts impact your mind positively and help you to stay focused on things that you want to do in life.

    When you are working you would be surrounded by all kinds of people. A few of them can drain your energy with their negative thoughts and being with their energy vampires can make you also feel depressed. Instead of being happy and peaceful, your mind would be concocted which can further lead to other issues. When you are only filled with unwanted thoughts, you lose your concentration and might end up feeling distressed. To stay connected with the world, it is essential to stay with people that speak good and perform good deeds.
  • Remember to sort out your priorities:

    Unless and until you list down things that are of high and least priority, you would never be able to focus on anything at all. Sorting out priorities can help you to do one thing at a time effectively. Also, when you clear off things and activities that you have completed from the to-do list, it would give you a sense of complete happiness. With the completion of every task, you get the chance to appreciate yourself and this would help you to quickly connect to the world.
  • Stay committed to something:

    It is always good to stay active and jot down things that you really want to achieve. When you write down things big and bold you would be constantly focusing all your energy on the goal that you want to achieve. With every goal that you reach, you can commit yourself to a new and a good habit. When it slowly becomes your lifestyle, you would start radiating with positive thoughts and stay connected to the world.
  • Meditation is a good way:

    Are you seeking for an overall physical and mental well-being then, you must stick to meditation. With meditation, you would be able to discover something totally new about yourself and it gives you absolute satisfaction. With meditation, everything that you want to do would happen easily as you would be able to concentrate on the most specific aspects of your life. With meditation, you would be able to tap the untouched parts of your consciousness and with higher levels of energies, life becomes a celebration. When you are happy inside out, it becomes extremely easy for you to stay connected with the world.
  • Families can help you out:

    Family is one place that can help you to be yourself at all times. There are hardly any instances where your family becomes judgemental about you. Being part of a loving family and exchanging love and affection with them as and when you can and this can be an amazing way of connecting to the world.

    When you are down in dismay, it becomes hard for you to stay connected with yourself, and in this state, it becomes extremely difficult to stay happy and project yourself as a gala person to the world. But, with frequent connections and staying with family, it becomes easy for you to open up your ideas and connect with everyone else like you quickly do with your family. Isn’t this a great idea?
  • Positive affirmations and good words:

    Karma is one of the most happening words in the town these days. Well, it is true that one cannot escape from the sting of Karma. The kind of work that you do and the words that come out of your mouth has a great impact on self and also the way you can establish a connection with the world.

    Focusing always on things that are of least importance is of no help because all your energy is getting drawn towards things that do not matter to you.  When you want to have a deeper sense of connection with self it becomes easier for you to quickly associate yourself with the world too. This shall happen easily to those people who speak good words and that constantly attract positive things in life. Attracting positivity happens when you start to shift from negativity to positivity. The world out there is in search of people who have a taste to make lives better for themselves and others.
  • Focus on having healthy relationships always:

    Most of the people end up in a relationship that does no good to them. When two individuals involved in a relationship, it becomes the responsibility of both the people to uplift the spirits, enhance and empower the other, and be on the sides of each other when they are in need.  Staying in a relationship that is toxic is only going to take away the slightest of happiness and energy that you are left with. It is mandatory to understand that a relationship has to be nurtured by both the people that are part of it and the energy has to be shared equally.

    Else, with one trying to pull the two of you is only going to weaken the links of the relationship and also the connection that you have with yourself. When you aren’t happy with your partner or anyone that is part of the relationship, you miss out on a lot of things that the Universe has got to offer to you. Hence, staying away from a toxic relationship does a lot of good to you.
  • Spend time on going through a memory lane:

    It is good to walk yourself through a memory lane. You can choose to create a photo album or make a journal of your choice. Writing down or pasting photographs can in fact help you to remember all those things that made you what you are today! The moments of joy and sorrows can also quickly help you to establish a deeper sense of connection with the world outside.

    As you flip through the photo albums or the journal, it would always be the happiest moments that mostly dominate your mind and help you to relax completely. With total relaxation, you would always be able to see things clearly and it also eases out all the accumulated pain making you a better person.
  • Spend time with children:

    Children are the powerhouses of positive energy. When you are surrounded by children you would be pepped up and they help you to learn a lot of things in the most creative manner. When the power of creativity increases in you it becomes easier for you to analyze every situation and give it a new perspective altogether.

    Thinking out of the box would again make you feel great about yourself and everything that you do. Once you stand out as an extraordinary individual, everything becomes easy for you and so does the connection with the world.
  • Stay away from Electronic gadgets:

    Mobile phones are certainly one of the greatest boons of technology but, it limits your possibility of thinking differently. Staying out of the electronic devices and creating a dependency on it is again going to restrict your chances of establishing a connection with the world. Instead, step out and try to make new friends and seek answers within and from those people that you meet.

Well, these are some of the most important ways of establishing a connection with the world and also with oneself.

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