Home Focus Do you struggle with sustained attention? 11 ways you can improve it.

Do you struggle with sustained attention? 11 ways you can improve it.

by Nipun Gera

We are well aware of the fact that technology holds the capacity to revolutionize every bit of our daily lives. Ironically, it can be extremely detrimental if we are surrounded or wrapped up in technology (like our phone, computer, television, etc.) for long hours. We more often than not see tiny toddlers moving their fingers seamlessly on tablets, teenagers locked in their rooms to their computers, adults buried into their phone screen even when in public are few examples of the new normal we are setting for ourselves. Evidently, the modern society we are trying to create has invited a plethora of unknown problems. One of the biggest issues is our shrinking attention span.

The world of technology that we are so dedicated to build around ourselves, pry for our attention all the time. In some cases, a short attention span can also be a medical condition like ADHD. In most cases, you can curb your attention span by following some tips that can help you to seize every moment better.

I intend to break this article into two parts. Firstly, the signs that could mean that you have some kind of attention problem that is holding you back to focus on things. Secondly, I will share some ways you can use to curb your attention. The idea is to help you realize how a small change in habits can build good focus. Also, I have tips for you that can help you come out of the existing lifestyle which is preventing you to focus on things for a sustained period of time.

Some common signs of short attention span are:

Overlooking details

This according to me is the most tellable attribute of someone with a short span of attention. They are so prone to get distracted by anything and everything that is there around. Therefore, they end up missing nuances and small details which are often critical.

Problem communicating with people

People with short attention span often face trouble talking and communicating in general. Regardless of what kind of communication it may be. It could be professional, romantic, or platonic.

Time Management issue

This is a common problem faced by people with a short span of attention. They miss the deadline very often. They may keep procrastinating the work just because they find it to be boring. Showing up late at important events an ignoring other important assignments is again a common sign of people who have a low attention span.

Difficulty in following through tasks

Since attention is not sustained, people with short attention span prefer to finish things in no time. This is not possible most of the time. They tend to grow restless when they see the work not approaching to an end. They happen to fall out of the task easily.

Remain unorganized

This one goes hand in hand with a lack of time management skills. This is a common sign because of the inability to keep things in the right place. They hugely suffer in management and organization part of the task. They have trouble putting things where they belong. Not just disorganized in the physical world but often wrongly prioritize things.

Common causes of low attention span

Short attention is a condition that can be caused by both psychological as well as physical pathways. The following are some causes that you must be aware of:


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a common disorder that is found in children and it ends in their adulthood. People with ADHD have a hyperactivity component. Forgetfulness, anxiety, hyper-focus, communication issues are few symptoms commonly seen in a person suffering from ADHD.


It is a mood disorder that can have a lasting impact on you. Difficulty in focusing is a very common symptom of depression. It causes irreversible loss of interest which you used to find interesting in the past. Tearfulness, extreme fatigue, suicidal thoughts are the common symptoms of Depression.

Trauma on the head

Head injury is one of the highly prevalent and common causes of attention problems. Trauma on the head could be any injury on the skull, scalp, or brain. Skull fractures or concussion are two common head trauma. Confusion, nausea, pain in the head, and often seizures are the common symptoms of head injury.

Learning Disabilities

Learning Disabilities fall under neurodevelopmental disorders. People who have learning disabilities struggle with learning new things, calculations, and even reading. Common symptoms are poor memory, poor eye-hand coordination, and easily distracted.


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a group of neurodevelopmental disorders. It can cause social and behavioral challenges. It is found in childhood and often shows signs and symptoms right at a young age. Trouble relating to others, aversion to making a connection, and not being comfortable expressing to others are common symptoms.

11 Ways to improve your attention

The following are 11 effective ways to increase your focus on seizing whatever comes your way without losing a fraction of your attention.

Chew gum

As odd as it may sound, chewing gum is one of the most effective ways to keep you focused on whatever you may be doing. Although there is no magical property in chewing gum, the simple activity of chewing keeps on the right track without you getting lost in the middle. You must have tried or heard of popping a chewing up while driving on the road at night. The same applies to most of the other work. Sometimes even a small push can help you complete an otherwise difficult task.

Turn off your notifications

Just like in the office environment we often get irritated by nagging colleagues dropping by at our desk every 10 minutes, the same is with these notifications. The only difference is that you can turn the notification from your laptop or phones off. Every time the screen of the phone kept on your desk wakes up, you have that urge to pick it and check the phone despite knowing that it is absolutely irrelevant. By just a simple act of turning off your notification can make you less likely to look on the screen of your phone every few seconds.

Curb Distractions

Mobile phone and its notifications are not the only distractions what act as impediments. There is an accumulation of distractions that can shrink your attention span. Come up with ways to remove the said distractions from around you. Even minor distractions such as extreme room temperature or background noise, can make you fidgety and make you more prone to lose your concentration. Even a messy environment can cause anxiety or divert your attention.

Write things down

You very often would find yourself a part of boring meetings and discussions. There are chances that you will be seeking things to distract you. This thing alone can be extremely detrimental for you, as you will be barely paying attention to things that are being discussed in the meeting. In order to change it, you should rely on taking notes at such events. Writing down required your focus and will help you with your attention deficit. It is also useful to take notes as it helps boost your memory and activated your brain cell. Also, a handy physical reminder of important details harms no one.

Make a habit of drinking more water

I don’t think I need to tell you why you should drink more water. But, yet we do not drink it regularly. Drinking less water causes dehydration and it has consequences on your ability to focus better and think for a long time. It would be better if you start with at least a glass of water. This will help you not just hydrate but also lubricate your joints, start the gastro-intestinal movement and increase mental alertness. Make sure the water is at room temperature or a bit warm, and ensure you take it before breakfast, tea, or coffee.

It is essential that you are having an ample amount of water evenly throughout the day. Even a small amount of dehydration can have a significant difference on you. The key is drinking water evenly and not gulping an entire bottle of water just before you are going sit and focus.

Exercise without failing

There are just so many benefits of doing exercise that every time you look up for it there are chances you will find something new. It does keep you healthy and your body lean, along with keeping you mentally and emotionally sound. It also helps you remove toxins and flushes your blood and lymph. You do not have to schedule any particular type of rigorous training schedule in place. Any sport or cycling can give you the boost that you need. A short walk can also be immensely helpful to keep your blood flow smooth, especially if its outside.

Try and get adequate sleep

Getting adequate sleep is extremely important to stay focused for a sustained period. It enables you to keep your head in the right place for both personal and professional front. Only if I could stress more how important it is to sleep properly if you want to focus. Make sleeping for set hours a priority, make a point to sleep for a fixed number of hours every day. This will help you re-set each day. Too much sleep is also not ideal, it can make you feel sluggish and groggy. Therefore, maintain the adequate and avoid extremes.

Be an active listener

Listening is one small yet one of the most important life skills, you have at your disposal. It has been just under-utilized from the advent of the technology-driven world. It is highly under-rated and as I said has tremendous potential. Often people are stuck up with the thought of what should they say next or respond instead of listening in the first place. Make sure next time you are having a chat with someone try and practice active listening. This will lead you to have healthier dialogue and help you not lose focus by keeping you grounded.

Practice meditation

Meditation and its benefits are proven time and again, as a means to release the mental tension and improve general well being. The mere practice of meditation can help you increase your energy, help you with emotional well being, and help you with memory and focus.

The practice helps you to distance yourself from the feelings and thoughts that come up. By detaching yourself from your thoughts, you prevent them from growing into a potential problem. Try and make meditation a habit. Find a suitable quiet place, turn on some nerve-calming music and relax.

Avoid multitasking

Human beings are not made for multi-tasking. Even though we comply with doing multiple things together because it gives us the impression of higher productivity. According to neurological and psychological research juggling between tasks is not at all effective. Research showed that multitasking gives the illusion of productivity and makes the person emotionally satisfied. You will do a favor on yourself if you focus on just one thing at a time.

Instead of overwhelming yourself with multiple tasks, it is better you take one task at a time. It is imperative to stop for some time and slow down. However, there would be days when you will be able to do multi-tasking but most of the other days you will not be left with the right amount of focus.

Take essential breaks

Breaks are usually something that is not looked up to and is considered to be a waste of time. But taking a break from work at the right time is the best thing you can do to have a sustained career and there is nothing wrong in doing so. If you are not able to concentrate on things, it is advisable to take some time off in order to address what is wrong, before you get back to the work. the break could be a five-minute break between Pomodoro interval or a weekend break in the mountains.

In conclusion, one should always take a break from work and it is imperative to charge you to come back and achieve more. You should never underestimate the impact of a good break from work.

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