Home Emotional Intelligence Art of being productive when you are stuck at home (COVID-19)

Art of being productive when you are stuck at home (COVID-19)

by Nipun Gera

Its been quite some time now living in these unprecedented times. We have been hearing news from all around. The increase in the count of coronavirus patient is going through the roof. Almost all countries are either in the middle of their lockdown or have just started lifting it for the sake of reviving their economy. The World’s biggest superpowers like the United States, UK, China, Italy, France, along with other nations of the world are taking the stride of this pandemic. We see economies and big corporations all adjusting to the new reality. As the world is relentlessly fighting against this pandemic each one of us is faced with the struggles of our daily lives. With personal and professional lives merging, it is getting more and more difficult to find the right balance and be productive.

The following are some tips that can help you. The art of mastering productivity while physically isolating yourself from the rest of the world:

Accept the new normal

These are unprecedented times and are changing the entire ecosystem. Every other day, there is some new rule or guideline being passed which just changes people’s daily routine. You do not have to fight the change but be the part of it. Keep it in mind that each and everyone around is being impacted by the orders from top institutions and they are not in our controls. Rather accept the new way of life, and channel your limited energy on what is in your control. Smartly allocating energy is a big key to be productive.

Divide responsibilities within your household

Work from home may not be as big an impediment as a house full of family members. Children have their school off, they can not even go out and play in the open. Your spouse is also home trying to find peace to do his own work. Especially, if you are a woman, there are high chances the household work or chores must be bestowed entirely on your shoulders. The tip here is that share the activities like childcare, cooking, and shopping with other members of the household. Try and delegate washing dishes and cooking (if they can) to your children, am sure they will not be able to give you the result like you are able to get. The point is to share the load and get help so that you can be productive where you need it the most.

Have a work-only zone

It is extremely important to choose an ambient work-exclusive zone at your place. Contrary to popular belief, your home can be a lot more distracting than working from your office. Since there are no colleagues or bosses to constantly motivate you to work. You have more things to distract you in the comfort of your room than the range of things you could do in your office.

Working from a clutter-free space in your home can be a lot more beneficial. Could be any space, your home office, a desk, or a separate lobby of your apartment building. Make sure the space that you are using is not the same, probably where you have your play station attached or the couch which you use to binge watch sitcoms. Rather, choose a spot where you are productive and keep that space a bit separate so that you can unplug from work when you are done.

Get ready the same way you do when you’re going to the office

Another plus side of working from remote locations is that you do not have to think about your commute to work and nor you have to rush the same way you do when you work in the office. Instead of dedicating the time that you used to in traveling, get ready for the day like you normally would. That way you will prepare yourself mentally for work and be productive. Otherwise, when you aren’t on your work desk, you are less tempted to take it easy by doing everything but the work you are required to.


Do not forget that nothing is as important as your physical and mental well being. Do not feel pressurized with what society dictates on you. Being calm and healthy in the time of crisis itself is nothing less than being productive. Just acknowledge the reality and shift gears of your life accordingly. Delegate your household work evenly across every house member. Have a work only zone and keep a distinguishable line between your personal and professional life. Treat yourself the same way you would do on an otherwise regular day, wear your work clothes while working, follow the routine, and keep yourself organized as you can.

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