7 Ways to step out of your comfort zone

Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end.

Robin Sharma

It is one of my favorite quote that has inspired me to look forward to the changing times and fight my fears. A lot of people out there prefer to choose to stay in the boundaries of their comfort zone. If you are wondering what exactly a comfort zone is, let me make it clear before we talk about it in detail. Comfort zone, as its name suggests, is a state where you are not nudged to take an extra step, where you have no pressure of anything, nothing in it makes you anxious. You must be wondering if this is what comfort zone is, then this is the place to be. But all of it looks good, just on the surface.

Why is staying in comfort zone bad?

When you keep yourself in a comfort zone for a long time, you limit your abilities in many ways. You can compare it to the bird who prefers to stay in its nest for its entire life. If you don’t realize the need to get out of your comfort zone and take appropriate actions, you will miss out on your personal growth, and life experiences.

If you acknowledge that you in some way have been seeking a safe haven in your comfort zone, and now realize the need of stepping out of it; the following are the 7 ways that will help you achieve it.

1. Break the inertia

Referring to the quote I began with, the first step is the hardest of all, and it is all you need to do to win half of your battle. The first day of the gym is always the worst; writing the first line of your story takes the longest time. Once the momentum is gained, then it is easier to keep going.

2. Don’t choose the safe options

Whenever you are presented with a conundrum. You have largely two options to choose from; safe/ comfortable choice, and the risky/ uncomfortable choice. The latter one is the one you are aversive of, but always remember that the latter option will teach you and make you grow the most.

3. Don’t be afraid of failures

Always remember that fear is nothing but are self-created boundary. You should never hold yourself back if you are afraid of the outcomes. However, your aim should be to pursue what you are afraid of regardless of its aftermath. Keep the fact in mind that succeeding over your failures in one go was never part of the plan. Your only focus should be on your personal growth and not entirely on the outcome.

4. Change your routine

If you have been in your cacoon for some time now, it is very likely that you have built a routine for yourself that is comforting all the time. The first thing to do is to break the foundation and walk out from the reality of your comfort. Start with small changes. The idea is to make changes in your routine a habit. When these small changes become a habit, then you can think of pushing yourself for bigger goals.

5. Meet new people

Going out and meeting new people can have many benefits. It opens up our minds to newer ideas and perspectives. It pushes us to think outside the box. Meeting new people can also broaden our horizons of possibilities and teaches us different ways of achieving the same thing. Listening to the stories of various people can also help reduce anxiety, give you that extra push to get out of your comfort zone.

6. Take baby steps towards your goal

Let’s say you are not happy with your current job, your boss is a bully, and you want to quit your job. But you are not a natural risk-taker or are afraid of getting into new settings. You should try taking baby steps towards your goals. However, if you want to quit your job and find a better one. You should start by creating professional networks, getting acquainted with them on social media, upgrading your skills, and working on your communication. All of the above are the baby steps you ought to take for you to achieve your larger goals.

7. Learn from failures

Changes more often than not are discomforting, and there are chances you might fail in your initial attempts. Remember that failures always come with lessons for you to learn. If you acknowledge failures and see them as a mentor, the entire experience becomes very easy.

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