5 Ways Hope can help you over Fear

The two words, hope, and fear are more than just expressions. These two are the two powerful neurochemical positions from which we look at the things going around. It has a great deal to do with altering our perspective, outlook, actions, and even determining the path that lies ahead of us. As we all know, fear is infamous for shutting us down, making us more rigid and predictable in life. It even impacts our self talk negatively. Not just that, fear has a profound impact on our health and has the potential to translate into various kinds of physiological reactions.

Is hope the answer we need?

The positive feeling comes into existence when you feel safe and fulfilled, but it is not the case with hope. As a matter of fact, hope is not really the typical form of positivity. It comes into action when things are gloomy, and there is some level of uncertainty. Hope helps us to open up. It helps remove the blinders and let us see the big picture. Hope lets us unleash our creativity and give us a brand new perspective of dealing with things. It makes us believe that things can turn upside down for the better by tapping on the right set of our capabilities and by believing in ourselves.

How do we choose hope over fear?

It is never easy to choose hope over your fear, but it is always possible. Remind yourself of how you have got in the world the way you know it. You do not have to convince yourself that you live in a utopic world, and everything is easy to get. All you need to do like I previously mentioned, is not to forget the progress we have made and instead celebrate it.

The following are 5 ways that can help you to pick hope over fear:

1. Technology is changing the landscape at a very fast pace

Who knew the things that we can do today sounded like magic some decades back. Technology has revolutionized the way human beings operate and changed our lives for good. Who would know a thing like a video call would help you connect with your loved ones sitting in the other part of the world. The Internet would enable us to learn as much as we want about anything in the scope of learning. No one in their right mind ever thought driverless care and space travel would be possible. It is a great deal to be a part of and a significant step towards humankind’s progress.

2. The world is becoming a fairer place

The gender-based pay gap has been improving for the past few decades, and it doesn’t even exist in many organizations these days. The fight against racism is stronger than ever. More and more people are accepting homosexuality and non-binary gender orientation. I am not negating that discrimination doesn’t take place, but it is at an all-time low.

3. It is much easier to raise your voice

The world is shrinking because of social media, and it has become easier to raise your voice, both on a collective and individual level. However, there is a flip side to it, given the incidents of trolling and cyberbullying. Sadly, there still exist places where raising a voice is still a big challenge, but they are less in number than the places that give you freedom.

4. Varied career choices

Landing a job after finishing education is no more the automatic norm. Entrepreneurship is booming. Now you can have your business running in no time. You have nearly infinite channels to market your offerings across the globe. Not saying that it is easy. You will have to put in a lot of hard work. Compared to the scenario two decades back, it is quite easier to start calling shots in business.

5. You are no longer a Neanderthal

We have electricity, water supply, heating facility, and access to more kinds of food than ever. We always need to remember how far we have come and embraced that fact. The point is to remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the world is not turning into a perfect fairyland anytime soon. All you can do is progress and keep pushing yourself forward with all you have got.

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