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5 Self-limiting thoughts that are your worst enemies

by Nipun Gera

It’s a fact that our mind controls every action we perform. Your mind builds your life and, it tells you what to do and how to do? It’s like your brain is hardware and mind is software. Almost every one of us has limiting beliefs in our mind, either consciously or subconsciously. It can severely sabotage your potential through the actions you take based on your belief. In particular, this can hold you back, as your mind is only controlling your emotions and thoughts. It’s easy to blame your failures on other people or the situation. But have you ever thought about the fact that you are the only one responsible for holding yourself back from your success? Your holding of belief will directly influence what you achieve or whatnot.


Like most, I am sure that you also have been through the phase where you think you are not good enough. It is just okay to be in that phase. But sometimes, you need to believe that is not true, especially at the point in your life when your safety and certainty are threatening. Instead, it would help if you thought you are good enough, so you are getting such an opportunity. There is something that is why you are here. Think positive. Think of your past success. You should think about what you have different from others to offer who work with the same credential or in the same field. This uniqueness will build up your confidence and your ability because you will shine differently in the crown if you are unique.

The success of other people will diminish yours

In this new world, one of the most trending things is social media. It’s a huge platform where you compare yourself with others. Nowadays, the comparison is uncontrollable than ever before. Every time you feel jealous when someone from your surrounding succeeds, this jealousy presents people you do not believe in your own abilities to succeed in life. Thinking that other’s life is perfect and easy and there is something wrong in you only. But it will surely be the negative result as you are comparing you to your down/negative days with other highlighted reels.  All these jealousies and negative thoughts hold you back and make a negative impact on your life.

I do not have time

Everyone has the same amount of time with them. It’s all about managing your time in the right way to be successful. When you say that you don’t have time repeatedly, you start believing it, and you do not find time to do what you want to do. You should maintain your time by making a schedule and time table. While considering where you are wasting out your time, you should invest time in meditation and self-care to add some time to your schedule for these things. Meditation and self-care will help you to feel refresh and make your mind more creative. Managing your time will help you to convert all your “shoulds’’ to “musts’’.

I can’t

There is nothing like “you can’t.” It’s always arising there, where you will have some choice. If you set your goals and believe in yourself, you will definitely achieve that no matter your skills and ability. The more you tell yourself you can’t, your unconscious mind memorizes that. Your unconscious mind will always respond likewise. Even though some task is easy for you, your unconscious mind will always push you to choose you. Whenever your mind thinks of you can’t always remember, there is another option for you. If you choose this “can’t” option, you will never succeed in your life. As if you feel that you can’t, you will never be getting the opportunity because you don’t have the self-confidence, self believes in doing so.

I have failed

If you keep on thinking or being in your failed zone, the time when you failed, and always being sad while thinking about that, then you are holding yourself back from growing up. Your unconscious mind pushes you down for thinking the same. Believing yourself a failure disempowers you. It leads you to start avoiding opportunities. It would be best if you were positive for your upcoming results or working hard for your goals. Instead, think of your good times, when you were a hero (that successful time).

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