16 daily habits to bolster your mental as well as physical strength

Photo by Enric Cruz López on Pexels.com

There is a big misconception that has been around for quite some time now, the fact that we need lofty, massive actions to see radical, constructive changes in us. But in reality, sometimes, all we need is a small habit or a set of small changes. The world we live in, especially social media, is so much obsessed with celebrating instant transformation and overnight weight loss. It is not your fault that you have forgotten the real agent of lifelong change- the power of small, consistent actions over the days.

You can use habits to your advantage. As per the oxford dictionary, habits are “a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.” We more often than not associate the word habit and its definition with bad things. However, the truth’s that you can use the very nature of habit to your own advantage, just by adding good practices to it. The following are tips that can help you overcome the obstacle you face on an almost daily basis and achieve your mental and physical fitness goals.

1. Drink water the first thing

I don’t think I need to tell you why you should drink water. But, yet we do not drink it regularly and at the right time. Hydration is essential and should be done first thing in the morning. Even before your morning tea or coffee, please start with at least a glass of water. This will help you hydrate and lubricate your joints, start the gastro-intestinal movement, and increase mental alertness. Ensure the water is at room temperature or a bit warm, and ensure you take it before breakfast, tea, or coffee.

2. Eat more vegetables

All the physicians, dieticians, and nutritionists recommend including a varied kind of vegetables in the meal. Both veggies and fruits should be the foundation of your diet. A variety of vegetables and fruits is important to get the essential vitamins, minerals, and various nutrients. Another thing about fruits and veggies is that they are super low in calories and fat, providing you with all the nutrients while maintaining to help you reduce your weight. One thing that you can do to pick this habit is by picking vegetables and then building your meal plan around it.

3. Exercise without failing

There are just so many benefits of doing exercise that every time you look up for it, there are chances you will find something new. It does keep you healthy and your body lean. It also helps you remove toxins and flushes your blood and lymph. Cardio exercises and aerobics help you keep your lungs and hearts all healthy. At the same time, the weight exercises keep your bones and muscles strong. You do not need to take membership in some fancy gym to get a personal trainer perse. You can do a great job with your bodyweight, little equipment, and a little space at home.

4. Go out and walk

Walking is one of the most natural movements of the human body, and it can be done anywhere. It is best if you step out a little. Being outside and breathing fresh air can rejuvenate our system. Also, walking in natural light can have various positive effects on the human body. By walking, you do not just take care of your body, but also you get a chance to clear your head. This is a great way of using your recess to join back your work with a fresh outlook. If you start doing it regularly, you sure will be able to see the difference.

5. Try and have adequate sleep

Getting adequate sleep is extremely important to be focus fully. If you work out or do running, you tear your muscles. The repairing of these muscles happens best when you get enough sleep. Not just that, it enables you to keep your head in the right place for both personal and professional front. You may be able to recall when you feel tired all the time, even when you did not do any physical activity but just operated on low or no sleep. Make sleeping for set hours a priority. Make a point to sleep for a fixed number of hours every day.

6. Be kind to others

It’s all about how you treat others and how others treat you. You can go with the universal law of karma, which states that everything works in a circle. Therefore, what goes around, comes around. Like that, if you will always be kind to others, others will also be kind to you. Positive people always make requests, use words like please, sorry, etc. They interact with everyone with warm looks, a big pleasant smile, and eye contact. Their habit of being kind and helping others will make them feel happy and positive because when you help others, you will get a positive vibe, and your self-confidence will boost up.

7. Learn to live the moment

A truly positive person will live in the present moment because it is the simplest way to be happy. Negative people tend to ignore going anywhere they may be present physically, but mentally they are either in the future or in the past. Living in the present moment allows them to be grateful for what they are getting or what they have at present, without thinking about what they will have or what they had.

8. Journal

There are just so many reasons and benefits of journaling that one can’t simply highlight all of it in one go. However, you should keep a diary for focus, patience, planning, and personal growth.

  • It helps you visualize your goals and gain clarity of your real priorities
  • Diary acts as a safe house of your ideas
  • It helps better articulate your thoughts and streamline plans for future
  • It lets you apprehend future obstacles and gives a clearer understanding of your drives and purpose
  • A place where you can be honest and not fear any judgments
  • Most important of all, it helps you organize your inner convoluted thoughts

The best thing about writing a journal is that you are writing it for no one but yourself. You don’t have to work to make it entertaining or less boring perse. You don’t even have to care about grammar. Just take 10 minutes out at the end of each day and scribble your thoughts, accomplishments, and ideas.

The best thing about writing a journal is that you are writing it for no one but yourself. You don’t have to work to make it entertaining or less boring perse. You don’t even have to care about grammar. Just take 10 minutes out at the end of each day and scribble your thoughts, accomplishments, and ideas.

9. Meditate

You should start your day with meditation as it improves your focus and emotional stability. It helps to release down your stress level. It trains your mind and influences how you should react to challenges throughout your day. You can also make great decisions for the life you want to truly want to live and get clear on how you want your day to go.  You should go ahead for simple meditation in the morning, and you will surely feel good and satisfied. For example

  • Sit in a comfortable position
  • Close your eyes and try to focus on your breath
  •  Inhale through your nose for 4 counts, retain for 4 counts and exhale from your nose for 8 counts
  • Every time you feel distracted or thinking about something else, bring it back to your meditation.
  • Do this at least 3 times.
  • After doing all the times, release your count and stay seated, and your eyes close for a moment. Slowly open your eyes.

10. Be Organized

More often than not, people with challenging jobs struggle largely because they fail to see the end to what they have to do. There are many uncertainties and variable factors in a job that can cause excessive stress and deteriorate mental health. It can also cause people to be more confused and disorganized. All of it becomes a part of the cycle which gets worse day by day.

The following are some ways that definitely help you become better at organizing. Because when you organize what is on your plate, you inadvertently stall a lot of stress that could come your way.

  • Take simple decisions quickly
  • Make a list of everything
  • Have a room for everything
  • Align your resources
  • Have a system in place

11. Never hesitate to ask for help

Ask a friend or family member for additional assistance to help you. Maybe seek help from a therapist if you feel you have some tough things you would like to deal with. We all need help, and life can not be lived all alone. If you have not found your tribe yet, who is there to help you in their capacity, put yourself out there to meet these people. Trust me, and it will be worth the efforts.

12. Positive self talk

You can deploy tools like self-talk, you can talk yourself from “These are my achievements from the past” and “These are the people who love me unconditionally.” Look at the emotions to figure out why that emotion is there in the first place. It is all about trying and figuring out what these emotions are trying to tell you.

13. Try and Avoid Self Limiting Thoughts

Almost every one of us has limiting beliefs in our mind, either consciously or subconsciously. It can severely sabotage your potential through the actions you take based on your belief. In particular, this can hold you back, as your mind is only controlling your emotions and thoughts. It’s easy to blame your failures on other people or the situation. But have you ever thought about the fact that you are the only one responsible for holding yourself back from your success? Your holding of belief will directly influence what you achieve or whatnot. Therefore, you must realize how important it is to not indulge in things that will make you doubt your own self.

14. Self Care

Self-care is something that you do willingly to take care of your physical health and your mental and emotional health. It’s the best key to have a balanced life. It’s not always sacrificing yourself for others, and it’s also about looking up for your own self. Self-care doesn’t mean always preferring about yourself; it means being aware of your own needs. If you start to self-care, you will be able to sort things easily and help others.

15. Stop daunting yourself

Worrying about things will not never make you happy. You need to give yourself some peace and relax your mind. For instance, you can start to meditate or go for a walk, feel the nature around you. Think about those happy moments you spend with your loved ones. Instead of worrying about the things you cannot control, try to spend your energy on making you successful.

The people in this world are fake-feigned. They will do these which won’t benefit you. Society will look upon themselves, so you need to care about yourself. Don’t be the edited version. Make your own personality. Think that you are alone in this world, so do things your own way.

16. Give yourself a priority

 Serve yourself first. Do things for your own good and benefit. Go for the things you are best at and love doing. Start to relax your mind before making decisions. Never give up even the plan doesn’t go your way. Share how you are feeling with your friends or someone you think you are comfortable with. If you don’t have one, discuss it with your family because at last, a family is all you need.  

Laugh on those cheerful occasions. It will give you peace and change your mood. You will glow without the need for any skincare products. After all, laughing makes you look younger and suits best on you.

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